chapter thirty-one

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"Hi" Ashton said as I walked up to him, he was smiling and already opened his arms for me. I walked into them and hugged him tightly as he wrapped his arms around me.

"Hi" I said back when I looked up at him.

"I can't believe you got lost and didn't call me." He said with a small laugh as he looked back at me. "You look so cold."

"I knew you were busy in the dressing room, so I decided to ask for help."

"You have to be more carefull next time. You were lucky that those fans came, it could have been someone with the wrong intentions aswell." He said with a small smile before moving his one hand from my back to my face to move some hair out of my face. "If you want to admit it or not, things have changed since you came on tour. You have to be carefull."

"I will next time, I promise."  I said with a smile as I kept my eyes on him.

"You can say whatever the fuck you want, but everyone can tell this isn't an act." Luke said laughing as he walked past. I looked at him with a glare before taking a step back.

"Luke do I need to remind you to high school?" I said, Luke stopped in his tracks and turned around to look at me.

"Don't ever tell anyone that. That will be your death." He said with a glare before walking back to the stage.

"What was that about?"

"A secret Luke and I share. He would be very embarassed if I told anyone so I keep it against him. Once I say it, I don't have anything to blackmail him with anymore." I laughed a little before looking at him again.

"Are you going to stay till the end of the show or will you go back earlier?" Ashton asked while we started walking to the stage. It was already time for the opening act so not much longer untill they go up aswell.

"I'm probably going to stay. I think I will order a pizza and eat it here. They can bring pizzas to places like this right? Or does Norway not have a delivery service?"

"We ordered pizza while you were gone so yes, they do deliver and bring them to arenas." He said laughing silently as we came up to the side of the stage. Everyone was just sitting here while we waited for them to go up.

People always assume that it's really hectic backstage before a show but to be honest, it's only hectic the last 5minutes when Luke suddenly loses things that he needs.

"Alex, any crazy fan ideas they had today?" Calum said with a grin, he was sitting across of me, Luke by his side.

"Yes, and they actually had some good ones." I said laughing at the memory

"Like what?" Luke replied

"They think I should be officially hired by you guys for fan communication" I said with a smile "and that I should keep a video diary of tour but that's a little hard as it's over for me in a few days."

"Maybe we should hire you so you could stay and don't have to go work." Michael said with a small laugh "I don't even think it's such a bad idea"

"I'm surprised to hear this from you Michael. I really thought you were getting tired of me."

"No, you're fun to be around. You're down to earth and here to make fun of us and just hang out with us. Not because you're getting paid to be here." He said with a smile before sitting down beside you. "We're all going to miss you, not just Ashton and Luke."

"I wouldn't mind spending more time here instead of having to look for a job." I said jokingly. I never thought they would take this serious.

"So that's set, all who agrees on hiring Alex, raise your hand." Luke said with a huge smile.

"Wait, are you guys being serious?" I said looking around as they all raised their hands.

"Yea ofcourse, we'll call management tomorrow to see what we can arrange" Luke said. "We want you with us and we could hire you for like social media things. Get you a good filming camera and there you go. You could just makes videos about everything that happens on tour and how we do certain things."

"We all like being around you and to be honest we were talking about you earlier. We wanted to figure something out to get you to stay. You are able to get us all to be nice to eachother, Luke's mess has even gotten smaller and everyone's happier. Even Michael learned to knock!" Calum said with a huge smile.

"What do you think?" I asked Ashton, I looked at him as he was sitting on a box behind me.

"I don't think I could ask for anything more then to get you to stay." He said with a small smile. "We were already a great team before you but you made us better. Got so many rumours away and fans love us even more thanks to your ideas and your way of dealing with things. You are able to help us make people happy, and you make me incredibly happy. I want you on this tour."

"Am I the only one who doesn't believes the act anymore?" Calum said laughing, Luke and Michael agreed within a second.

"I will nicely ask you to shut up Hood." I warned him.

"The thing is, I'm actually scared of you at moments like this. Your look just tells me you know my deepest secrets and you're not scared to expose them to the world." Calum said in all seriousness.

"The thing is, she has absolutly no dirt on you. I'm the one who is terrified every time she is like this." Luke said with a straight face

"Guys, get ready. 10 minutes left." The stage lady said. The guys nodded and all got up to get their technical equipment and get into place. I stood up and went to a more silent place to order a pizza.

I'm really starving.


"Michael are you fucking serious?" I asked when he ran off the stage to get to me.

"Yes I am." He said with a laugh as he took a slice of pizza before running back up the stage.

And ofcourse, as soon as Luke saw what Michael did, the pizza song started and they all struggled to keep the rest of the concert serious.

A/N: my life is such a mess right now. I wish I could have Luke as my best friend and just escape life like Alexis did.

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