chapter fourty-one

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"When will you tell me where we are going?" I asked impatiently. I was sitting blindfolded in the passenger seat of his car and it was all a 'secret'. I felt like being kidnapped.

"You will find out in a few minutes so keep quiet." He said before the car came to a stop. I heard him move around in his seat before his door opened. I'm pretty sure he got out of the car. A few seconds after his door closed, mine finally opened. I took off my seatbelt and turned to the side so I could get out of the car. I'm already clumsy when I have full sight, so this must have looked hilarious. Especially when I hit my head to the roof.

"Just one more minute and then you can take it off." He said before taking my hand so he could lead me. I grabbed his arm tightly as we walked. It smelled like a parking lot so I was preparing on being killed or kidnapped tonight.

"Ashton, if this is where you'll kill me, please let me know."

"Oh don't worry, you will die quickly without too much pain." He said laughing.

He opened a door and I could smell the food already. And it was amazing. I wouldn't mind dying here. We walked a few more steps before he stopped the both of us.

"Can I look now?" I asked.

"Yes." He said, I let go of his arm and reached up to remove the blindfold. When my vision became clear again I could see the hotel we were staying at across the street and a small restaurant infront of us.

"Are you serious? I had to sit in the car for 30 minutes, blindfolded, to come to the restaurant across the street? We could have just walked here."

"Where's the fun in that?" He laughed before taking the blindfold from me and putting it in his pocket. He looked at me with a smile, which I returned, before taking my hand in his. The warm feeling of his much bigger hand around mine was pretty good.

"You still have to tell me if this is an actual date or a date for the fans." I said with a small sigh. I followed him inside to a table in the back. He didn't say another word untill we sat down.

"You have to decide that for yourself. I know what it is for me, you just have to decide what it is for you." He said with a small grin. He got so good in playing mind games and it's driving me insane.

We've been on the road for three days now and it has been different. We don't act that close anymore as we used to and we try to keep our distance backstage. The break game me time to think and things just changed for me. I had my distance from him during break to really think things through and to make sure what I'm getting myself into and I can't say that that didn't change my look on things. I try to just be friends when we're away from the public eye but I feel like he wants more. And I'm not sure if I can give him more. I am sure that any girl I meet infront of venues would love to be in my place, but I don't want to just jump into it.

I'd be lying to myself if I feel something right now. He used to give me sparks when we touched, but he can't seem to do that anymore now. I felt something when we kissed, but I don't want to need to kiss someone to feel something. It has to be in the little things. I have to feel it in the way he looks at me or the way he brushes my hair to the side while we're talking. I have to feel it when we touch and when I have my eyes on him. I want it in the little things.

I have felt like that around someone before, so it is possible to find something like that. It's just very hard.

——— Ashton's POV ———

I watched her as she was thinking. She looked amazing tonight and I could see she wasn't sure about all of this. I lost her attention after my last words. What did this mean to her? She had to figure that out herself. I know what it means for me and all I can do is hope it feels like that for her aswell.

It's a date around other people, where pictures will be taken and we will be looked at. But I want to show her the real me tonight. I want to show her I'm more then I've already showed her. I can be in a serious relationship.

I can love her like no one else can. I want to make her feel special and get sparks every time we touch. I want her to feel it all over her body when I look at her.

That kiss at the party was like fireworks for me. To finally feel her sweet and soft lips on mine.

"I will be your waiter for tonight. Here are the menus, I will come back in a few minutes to take your order." The waiter said. We both woke up from our thoughts to look at him with a smile.

"Thank you." I said when I took the menu from him.

"I know what this is for me." She finally said. She nodded before looking at the menu. "But I don't think we should tell eachother what it is. But I'm glad that I'm here tonight with you."

"I still had to ask you when we're finally going to hear you sing?"

"Never in a million years" she replied as she laughed a little "I stopped."

"Luke told me how good you were, you were better then him. But he doesn't want to show me the videos." I said with a smile. Her laugh was always able to put a smile on my face again.

"I'd have to kill him if he did that. And he knows I know enough things about him that he would hate if you guys knew so that's why he keeps his mouth shut." She looked down at her hands before looking straight in my eyes. "Maybe one day you'll get your own private concert, but that day won't be soon."

"If I can ask, why did you stop?"

"I didn't see the fun in it anymore. I changed and so did the things I wanted to do." She simply said before looking down

"I really hope I can hear it one day."



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