chapter ten

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"Guys we're back!" Calum yelled when he entered the bus. I looked away from Alexis and faced Calum. She got it timed perfectly, now that they're back I can't yell at her about this subject because they will know.

"Just make sure Calum's razor is back in the bathroom by tonight and I won't tell anyone you tried stealing his." Alexis said silent enough so only we could hear while she pushed the screws to me.

"So Alexis, meet Crystal, my girlfriend." Michael said happily when he introduced her. They really loved eachother.

"It's so nice to meet you, Michael can't stop talking about you" Alexis said happily, she seemed to have moved on completly from our earlier conversation. She's so two faced and it's driving me insane.

"It's so nice that I'm not the only girl in the bus" Crystal said as they hugged. "I'm so sorry for your loss, if you ever need a girl to talk to instead of these stupid guys, I'll listen."

So everyone knew except for me? Did she just tell them like it's nothing?

"It's also great to see you again Ashton" She said as she looked at me with a small smile. Everyone always smiled at me like I was dying. They might have a point there.

"Great to see you aswell Crystal." I softly said before standing up and going outside. I had enough of this shit. First I get Alexis to talk to me like that and now everyone is all happy.

"I'll be right back" I heard Alexis say from inside before she stood behind me again. "That was a very bad timing that they came inside. But you can start yelling at me now."

"Out of all of us, you've got the most messed up mind. You keep trying to fix me while you aren't even close to being fixed yourself. You think you're so fantastic and that you know everything there is to know about depression because you went through hell and back yourself. Well guess what, not everyone is the same. Stop fucking comparing yourself with me. You are a crazy person, you came here on the bus to have fun and catch up with Luke but all you do is try to fix me. But guess what, I can't be fucking fixed anymore. If you're so worried about me, try to fix yourself first because I can see that you're not alright. Your freaking dad died and you didn't seem to give a shit, you just moved on within a day and seem to have forgotten all about him. You say he was an asshole but he freaking isn't. If there is someone here that's an asshole, it's you. How can you even be alright with the fact that your dad just died?! You even said how you thought he deserved to die. Just go rot in hell." I screamed out before walking away. I walked towards the crew bus and sat down there so she couldn't see me anymore.

——— Michael's POV ———

"What the hell is going on there?" Crystal asked while she looked through the window. Calum and I walked towards her to look aswell and Ashton was yelling at Alex, again. And it looked serious now, Ashton was furious and Alex didn't move at all. Even when Ashton stormed away she just stood there.

"That's how they talk, Alex tries to be nice to Ash and help him, Ashton yells at her." Calum explained while we kept our eyes on Alex, waiting for her to react.

"I thougt you said Ashton had went to complete silence?" Crystal asked looking at me.

"Yes, he doesn't says a word to us. Only if it's really needed and if Alex isn't around he just sits at the table and looks outside or at his phone. If he's talking to her or she's around he just tenses up and starts yelling. He doesn't likes the fact that he wants to talk now. I know he does because he's writing now and often waits untill he's alone with Alex to talk. But he doesn't wants to talk, so he yells at her in hopes of scaring her away but she's not giving up." I said back.

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