Chapter 14

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Author's notes: EXODUS 9!!! NO MORE 8!! :D


I woke up to the obnoxious knocking on my door. In my head it sounded as loud as whips cracking against my skull. 

"What is it?" I moaned in reply to the knocks. 

I heard the gentle foot steps of a guard coming in quietly. "Your worship." he said, bowing. "I woke you to bring good news."

"Better be." I warned, face down in one of my pillows.

"The flies are gone, Pharaoh." the guard informed me. "Moses's Go-"

"No." I interrupted. "I don't want to hear about his so called blasphemous God this early in my morning."

I heard a pause in the conversation. "As you wish, my king." the guard said, sounding stiff. As if he had to fight the words to make them come. I felt a slight swirl of wind, I assume it was him bowing, then the sound of him walking out and closing the door.

How I hate that God. If He wasn't real then all of the other gods were forming a group among themselves to humiliate and curse me. I groaned, my muscles complaining as I rolled over and opened my eyes. What plagues await me today?

I sat up slowly and turned so my feet hanged off my bed. Another cursed morning. It has been a cursed morning every morning sense Moses came back. Who knew how much misery one brother could cause to another?

I used my hands to push me off my soft bed and stand up. I walked over to a stand that holding my crown, and gently placed it upon my head. I would not my brother win. He would not become the stronger brother. The more powerful one.

I took my golden bracelet, several gems embedded in a row on the sides, and placed it on my left arm. I knew Moses would be here soon to confront me. I knew the answer I was going to tell him for his question already. No.

I stormed out of my room, both my hands opening both sides of the tall doors to the side. Time to see Moses. I walked down the hall, handsomely constructed with bricks painted with gold, and turned a left into my throne room.

When I entered and turned my head to the right, towards the main door, I saw Moses and his brother Aaron. I turned away, stepping up the stairs then sitting on my throne. They had no respect, they just came in uninvited now days.

"Pharaoh!" Moses called out to me. "Remember your promise."

I nodded to a guard by the doors. He walked over to them and roughly ordered them to come to the foot of my throne.

"You remember your promise, brother?" Moses asked.

"Yes," I stated flatly, crossing my arms over my chest. "but I have no intention of keeping it. I will not let your people go."

I looked and saw Aaron glace at me. "What did I tell you, Moses?"

Moses lifted his hand, stopping Aaron from saying anything else, then folded his hands in front of him. "You won't do as your promised?" he asked, sounding unsurprised. "You will not let my people go to worship the Lord our God?"

How dare he make me repeat myself? How dare he enter my home and order me around? How dare he think he could win? I sat forward and spat, barely missing Moses's feet. I sat back in my chair.

"You are dismissed." I ordered with vineom.

Moses let his head hang toward to ground with a sigh, then raised it up and looked at me in the eye. "If you will not let my people go to worship," he informed me, "the Lord our God will send a plague upon your livestock. All of your horses, cattle, camels, everything will die."

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