Chapter 10

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Author's notes: This is based off of Exodus 8

PS:  In this chapter I use a female Hebrew slave. Her name is Adina which means gentle, delicate, and tender.


Chapter ten

"Pharaoh!" a guard came rushing in, waking me: "The frogs… their dieing!"

"Yes," I said in a tired voice, haven just been woken up. I sat up and swung my feet over the bed, stretching my arms behind my back. "I can see that."

"Now," I told the guard sternly, not in the mood for stupidity. "Get some other guards and clean up these creatures." Their dead bodies filled my entire bed chamber with the awful odor of decaying vermin.

"Of course, my king." he bowed and turned around to do as I ordered.

"Wait." I called out roughly. I saw him suddenly halt and turn around as I gently rubbing my tired eyes. "Get my masseuse ready, as well as my son. I would like to dine with him this morning."

"I'll see to it personally, my god." he assured me and fled the room to do all as I told him. 

I scoffed at the man. See to it personally, did I care? I thought to myself as I kicked a frog that was too close to my feet. I cared as much as I cared about the rotting frog.

I sighed in relief when I saw my slave. Finally! My masseuse came in, dressed in the purple silk that I gave all my female slaves. It covered there chests and everything above the knee elegantly with the several layers of deep plum spun silk. Although their abdomens had the appearance of being bare through the sheerness of the fine silk in that area which made them all the more pleasing to the eye.

 They were quite beautiful really. Then again, so was everything I possessed. 

With a gentle and sincere, at least on the outside, smile the young woman asked me in a cheerful voice, "How may I serve you this morning, Pharaoh?"

I gently reached my hand and crossed it over my chest to my other shoulder blade and gently rubbed it. "I would like you to give me a deep massage."

Her face brightened like sunshine when I told her, though I expected it to be somehow forced and fake…or maybe not because after all I am blessing her with touching the flesh of a god.  "Of course, my king" she chirped.

She softly climbed upon the royal bed, crawled behind me, got on her knees, and started to rub my shoulders. I moaned softly at the touch of her fingers, resting my head on both my hands, relaxing. Not only was this helping loosen up my back, it also let my mind settle down enough so I could think clearly.

I wanted to eat with my son. I need to relax, I needed to stop thinking about that brother of mine, stop thinking about all my problems. I just wanted to spend some time with that little boy that brought me inner joy.

I heard a quite tap on the chamber door, knowing that I liked my privacy in the bedroom they dare not rap on the doors too vigorously. "I have your son and your breakfast ready, my lord." I heard someone say outside the door.

"Excellent," I said loud enough that he could hear me. "I shall join my son in a moment."

"Would you like me to leave?" my female slave asked. My muscles melted under her touch.

I sighed gently, fully relaxed now. "You may go." I informed her.

She kept massaging for a second longer, then quietly hoped off the bed and walked out. Seeming to remember who she had just walked away from she turned quickly, bowed, and walked out.

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