Chapter 17

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Author's Notes: Based off of Exodus 9

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I am sad to inform you: THIS IS MY LAST CHAPTER FOR RIGHT NOW . Sooner or later I shall finish this, but sadly no promises. Starting college. Maybe when things stop going by at light speed, I can write again. I love you guys....see you soon I hope.


"How is she?" I asked Aaron, who was kneeling beside our donkey. "Still have a heatstroke?"

"She's getting better" he replied, "But not quite ready to ride." I kneeled on one knee and stroked the old girl's neck.

"Hear anything from the Lord yet?" Aaron asked me.

"Not yet..." I replied as I looked into the sunset. We were somewhat restless, it had been a few days sense we last saw Pharaoh, my brother.

From somewhere inside my head a voice called out to me, "Tomorrow you will wake up early and tell Pharaoh, let my people go so that they may worship me." the voice told me.

"Is it the Lord?" Aaron asked, interrupting God. "Because you're getting that look again" he told me, waving his hand in front of my face. I nodded, raising my hand to silence him so I could hear.

"If you don't, I will send the full force of my plagues against you and your people, so you may know that there is no one like me in all the Earth. By now I could have stretched out my arm and put a plague on you and your people that would have wiped you off from the face of the Earth. But I have raised you up for this purpose, so that you may show my power to all the people and that my name shall be proclaimed throughout the world. You have still set yourself against my people and have not let them go, so by this time tomorrow there will a hailstorm as such the world has never seen."

From the look on Aaron's face he saw how big my eyes had got at the last sentence. The biggest hail storm the world has ever known. Last thing God said was the biggest the world had saw was a flood, and as I recall it covered all the Earth. So this was huge.

"A hailstorm mixed with fire. Now go.Give an order to bring your livestock and slaves in the field into a place of shelter. Hail will fall on every person or animal not brought in from the field and they will surely die."

I waited a moment longer then got up from my knee and stood up. I took the rope around the donkey's neck and made her stand up .

"What are you doing Moses?" Aaron asked, "Where are you taking her?" he asked as I took our stuff and placed them by the donkey.

I called him over as I entered into the tent. He came in and placed his hand on my shoulder. "What's going on?" he asked earnestly."Tell me."

"Everyone!" I called out inside the tent. I saw my wife stop talking with the children. "The next plague," I said, wondering if it would be the last, "is hail mixed with fire, unlike the world has seen." I felt the hand on my shoulder grip tighten and saw the concern in my wife's face.

I looked at my wife, "Pack up, we're moving in with the Israelites."  "They will give us a place to rest our heads" I turned to my brother, "Is the donkey still too weak to carry someone?"

He nodded, as the look of worry grew on his face. "I will help her pack" he told us, somehow hiding his concern from his voice.

I put a hand on his shoulder. "Relax" I said as I smiled. "God's on our side. Now don't forget to pack the tent." I said as I walked away.

"Where are you going, Moses?" my wife asked. "To warn Egypt." I said, more to myself than to them. I took my staff from the nearby tree and walked to Egypt. I thought along the way. Would anyone even listen to me? 

Would anyone fear the Lord and prepare for the plague? Would they save themselves? I left the thoughts alone, only thinking of placing one foot in front of the other. Whether they listened or not is their concern, my only job was to warn them.

I walked up the steps, yet again, towards Pharaoh's palace. "Brother!" I called out inside the giant room, my voice echoing against the brilliant walls. "Pharaoh!"

"What plague will you curse on your old home this time?" Pharaoh asked with slight sarcasam, coming out of a door on the other side of his room. "What, dear brother of mine, do you want this time?" he asked me,as he sat on his throne.

"I came to warn you, dear brother of mine" I said, twisting his words around. "A hailstorm is coming, hail mixed with fire. Anyone or anything unprotected will be destroyed."

"As if!" Pharaoh said, scoffing. "He hasn't managed to kill us all yet, why start now? I speak for my people when I say that your God doesn't have the will for such a thing. I will keep my slaves outside, working, where they belong."

"The only reason you're alive," I said loudly, pointing my finger at him, "is because God wants to make you and your people an example. To show his pwer. The only reason this is happening to you is because you won't let his people go."

I turned on my heel, taking my leave. I had heard enough. They had chosen their own fate. "Your doing this to yourself!" I yelled, not turning my head, "You have already chosen your fate!".

I was happy to see one of the guards drop his spear and run. I suspected he had ran home, in time to save his family and property from demise.

"This is your fault, not mine!" I hear my brother's voice chases me out the doors. "You hear me?! You are to blame for everything!"

I closed my ears to his screaming. He was doing this to himself, and he knew it. I looked up and saw Aaron in the distance. He waved at me, calling me to come to him. I walked over there, staff in hand.

Aaron came over to my side and put his arm around me, "How did it go?" he asked me, "Did he listen?"

"What do you think, Aaron?" I asked, short tempered. "That well, huh?" he replied, laughing. "We have everything in Goshen, in the land some kind Israelite let us borrow."

I nodded, worried about what was to come. Aaron must have sensed it. "Like we have said over and over, Moses, they chose their fate. Some have even listened and did what you told them. That means we are finally getting through."

He walked up ahead, going to our new home. "I'll meet you there, alright?" Aaron asked.

"Alright, brother." I said, waving him off. "See you there soon."

I slowed down the pace, letting myself fall behind Aaron. I didn't want to think of the fire and ice, I wa-

"Moses." A gentle voice called to me inside my head. "Stretch out your hand to the sky, so that hail may fall on all of Egypt. On people and animals in the field."

I closed my eyes as I sighed for a moment, not wanting to see fire and ice rain down on my old home. But obeying God's command, I quickened my pace to a hill in Goshen. I turned and looked all around, seeing Egyptian buildings below and the Israelites here, safe from harm.

I raised my hand that was holding the staff high into the air. In a matter of seconds I saw black dark clouds swirl out of no where, until it was completely dark. I saw lighting flash in the distance, making the whole sky glow a purple white light. Then hail began to fall.

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 28, 2012 ⏰

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