2. Pep Talk

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|Clary POV|

"Sebastian, remind me why we have to go back to Manhattan?" I whine. My brother Sebastian was making all of us go back to New York, even though we had all been very happy back in Florida. Melissa, Sebastian, and Josh had found me after Jace broke my heart into a million pieces four years ago. They invited me to join them in Florida, so I did.

"Because we haven't been back to see Mom in three years. And because you need to officially become a Shadowhunter. You're ready, Clary," Sebastian says looking over at me as he drives his car through the NYC traffic. I turn my head to look at Melissa, who's in the backseat. She smiles at me, and reaches out to squeeze my shoulder in a loving, best friend way. Melissa is probably the most amazing person I've ever met. She's engaged to Sebastian, and I'm really happy for them.

"Okay, so couldn't whoever does that just come to me? I mean, that's a little frustrating. The Clave should probably have a meeting about that," I say sarcastically.

"Seriously, Clary? Do you have to be so sarcastic all the time?" Sebastian says, clearly frustrated.

I'm about to give some kind of retort, but Josh beats me to it. "She can't help it. She's fluent in sarcasm and there's absolute nothing you can do about it," he says, grinning. I laugh, and put a hand over my seat for a high five, since he's behind me.

"A. Shut up, Josh. B. Clary, it's not so much as a 'who' that will make you a Shadowhunter, but a 'what' would be more precise," Sebastian says.

"Okayyyy. So does that mean I just have to do something?" I ask, confused.

"Sort of."

"Why couldn't I have just stayed in Florida, then? Where it's warm!" I say, frustrated.

"Because it's tradition to do it in Idris, that's why," Sebastian says.

"Well, since when is Manhattan Idris?" I reply.

"Never has been, Clary, but the Clave believe you should be transported there from the Institute."

"So it's the Clave's fault that I have to have my heart ripped up into shreds again," I mutter.

"Ah. So that's what this is about," Sebastian says.

"What's that supposed to mean!" I half-shout.

"Calm down. I had a feeling that it wasn't just about not wanting to leave the warmth for you, that's all," Sebastian says gently.

"Of course not! I watched Jace kiss that girl's face off, and all he had to say after was 'I'm sorry'," I say, glaring out the window.

"I know. He's a two-faced S.O.B.," Sebastian says quietly. I smile a half smile, and Sebastian does too. Everything about my brother is soothing to me. He's the one who can always calm me down, when I'm upset, or blow things way out of proportion. He's fairly quiet too, so that may be what's so soothing for me. When he was able to regain control over himself after our father, Valentine, tried to take any form of humanity out of him, he worked hard to become a kind and loving brother. I have always had a theory that the reason that he is so calm and subtle is because he doesn't want to lose control again. The only time he isn't is when he's fighting for real, and I've only seen that once in my whole life.

The car is quiet for a little while, and I look out the window at the all familiar sights that cause my heart to contract as I think of every memory involved with each one. My middle school. The music store. Simon's house. By the angel. Simon. My best friend since forever, who probably hates my guts right now. I never told him I was leaving. He didn't know I had left until he came to Luke and my mom's apartment looking for me and I wasn't there.

Sebastian must've noticed me looking at Simon's house because he says, "We'll see him for sure Clary. I promise." I breathe out a sigh of relief when I hear that, and out of the corner of my eye, I see Sebastian's lips twitch. I decide not to ask, because I really don't care.

Then we're there. I look at the Institute for a minute to see if anything has changed since I've been gone, but no. It's exactly the same. It's probably looked like that since the beginning of its existence. I turn so I can see Sebastian, Josh, and Melissa all at the same time.

"This is it," I say.

Melissa smiles at me, and then says, "You're strong, Clary. All you need to do is show that to Jace."

Josh nods and then adds, "You definitely don't need him. You're one of the bravest people I know." I smile at him, and then look at my brother.

"You can do it. I'll be right there if you need me, okay?" Sebastian says.

"I know." I sigh, and then open my car door. Sebastian does as well, and Melissa and Josh do as well.

"Here goes nothing," I mutter, and take the first step towards the mansion.

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