13. Don't Stop

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(A/N: I would just like to make a shoutout to 5SOS, because their music video for Amnesia was so cool!!! Yay! And this chapter is called Don't Stop, which is a name of one of their songs, so yeahhhhhh...)

|Jace POV|

I slowly opened my eyes and blinked twice, looking over to see Clary sleeping peacefully with her arm across my chest, and her hair spread out beautifully around her head on the pillow.

Clary. There are so many things that I love about her. The way she smiles when she talks about her family and her closest friends. How she can just sit down and read a book for hours at a time, and be pissed if you interrupt her. How innocent she looks to anyone who doesn't know her, but that she's really an amazing Shadowhunter. The way she used to be around Max, and how she still cries over him, even though she didn't really know him. Her extreme bravery, strength, and dedication. I love every bit of Clary.

I start to play with her hair as I wait for her to wake up. There's something else I love about her. Her hair. Wild, full of life, beautiful. Just like her. I hear a soft rustling noise, and see Clary open one eye to look at me.

"Hi," I whisper, smiling at her.

"Hi," she say back.

"Were you watching me sleep?" she questions, gripping my side a little tighter.

"No," I defend myself. "I was playing with your hair and thinking about the things I love about you." I snap my mouth shut when I realize what I just admitted.

"Were you?" she smirks, sitting up a little and resting her chin in her hand. "Do tell."

"Really, I don't think it's necessary-"

"Oh no! I think it's quite necessary, Jace. Tell me. What do you love about me, exactly?"

"Nooooo," I groan. "It'll just make your ego a little bigger, and the world definitely doesn't need that."


"You know I'm kidding," I say, rolling over onto my back. I reach over and pick up her hand, playing with her fingers.

"Tell me three. That's all," she pleads.



"No, Clary."



"I love...how you can talk about your family and friends endlessly, and be so happy just to talk about them. I love your smile, the way it just makes me want to smile back. And I love your hair. How it's beautiful, but crazy in a good way. Like you," I say, then smile at her sheepishly.

"Well. That's number one on my list of best compliments given to me in life," Clary says, smiling back.

"I try," I reply, kissing her temple.

We lay there for awhile, just enjoying each others company for the first time in four years. I can't help but feel surprised over Clary's quick forgiveness, but I'll take what. I can get.

"You do know we have to get up, right?" Clary sighs.

"We do?" I ask, turning my head to look at her again.

"Technically speaking, yes," she answers.

"I don't want to," I pout.

"Me either, but we need to," she says as she sits up, pulling me with her.

"I'm going back to my room to change," she mutters, walking towards the door.

"What about Alec and Isabelle and everyone?" I ask desperately, in a last attempt to get her to stay.

"Izzy's in the shower, which obviously means Simon's in the shower, and we both know that Alec is awake already. Josh is definitely asleep, as is Melissa, and I know Sebastian is awake, because he wakes me up at six in Florida," she says, smirking.

"You're frustrating," I groan.

"I've been told," Clary responds, placing her hand on the doorknob.

"I'll need my shirt back," I say.

"You'll get it back, don't worry," she calls back, closing the door behind her.

I flop back down on my bed. "So frustrating."

(A/N: sorry for the lack of updates, lovelies, but I've been busy working on my new story! It's a One Direction fanfic, so if you like that sort of thing, check it please! Love you all very much! Comment, vote, spam me!!!!)

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