Chapter 20: Take Me Out To The Ball Game

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Chapter 20: Take Me Out To The Ball Game

Chloe's Point Of View:

Symantha smiles. "Text me during the third inning." I nod. "Okay." I haven't been to a baseball game in forever. Most of them were little league if we're being honest. She drives off. This is going to be fun. It's actually my second time at a Braves game. The first time, I was in a choir and we sung the national anthem, which is pretty embarrassing.

Chandler and I are meeting somewhere in this crowded place. Once I get in, I text him:

'Where are you?'

I walk to a concession stand. The line was long. I decide to take a picture of my surroundings. He texts me back.


What does he mean 'here? Is this even Chandler? I look around.

'Where is 'Here?''

The line thins out and I get to the front. "I'd like some water." I hand them a dollar bill in exchange for the ice cold bottle or water.

'Just turn around and take like 20 steps."

I turn and look again,  putting my money and my phone back into my pocket. my steps were being counted inside of my head. One, all the way to twenty. I look around again. My phone buzzes again, and again.

It was a FaceTime, from him. I answer him. I grin. "Where are you now?" I ask. He chuckles. "Um, Just look at the surroundings." I look around for the fourth or fifth time.

"On my right," He says. "There's a sign that says," He turns around and reads it. "Water, one dollar, nachos and cheese, three, with chilly, three fifty-" I interrupt him.

"I know!" I turn back to the concession stand I was just at. There he was. He smiles. I squeal or "fangirl." He hangs up and I slide my phone into my pocket.

I meet him there. "I can't believe it's you." I say. He was beautiful. I haven't felt this excited since the day I met One Direction.

"Believe it." He says. We start walking to the seats. "Okay. First of all, I need to tell you that I have a boyfriend." I say. He listens. "I don't know if your intentions are to get me to be your girlfriend but it's not a big possibility."

He nods. "It's fine with me." I nod too. My mood changes "I love meeting boys that don't fall in love with me the second they see me." He laughs. "No seriously, it happens all the time." I think I made a good first impression.

We travel to our seats and wait for the game to start. "Thank you for inviting me and buying my ticket." He is nice for doing that. "No problem." The game was just now starting.

"I hate baseball, but It kinda fascinating." I tell him. "I'd probably miss every ball they threw." I smile.

"Same with me." He smiles too. I take a sip of my water. My phone buzzes. I screw the lid onto my water bottle and unlock my phone. "Your password is too simple." Chandler says.

"What is it?" I ask him. "Two, four, six, eight." I nod. "I've thought about changing it, but then I think, Nah." He chuckles. "You're funny." I smile.

The text was from Harry.

'Hey, we're in Georgia right now; Is it okay if we come and help after the concert?'

I bite my lips. they're really chapped all of a sudden. I reply with a simple, but effective yes. I look at Chandler.

I see him look over my shoulder and motion to somebody. I look back. "Is that your family?" I ask him. "Yeah." I wave at them. "Gina's so pretty." I grin. "Thanks."

Gina is his mom. I look at the scoreboard. "I can't believe they're losing." He looks too. "I bet you five dollars they'll win?" I roll my eyes. "I doubt it."

We watch the game. I fiddle with my cold water bottle. "Do you want anything?" He asks. I shake my head. "Okay. I'll be back." He slips away. I was left alone with just my thoughts, and everyone around.

It was now the fourth inning. Chandler and I ate nachos and cheese while watching the Braves lose. I text Symantha telling her that I was ready. "This has been fun." I say. He nods. "Do you want something else?" He offers. "I'm fine."

"Are you the type of girl that I have to beg to eat?" He asks me. I shake my head. "No? Sometimes." He looks me in the eye. "You're too skinny." I snicker.

"Please, you're like a twig compared to me." He turns to face the field. "Look, the Braves are winning." I say. Just then, the clock thing went off. "Looks like you won that bet." I say pulling out five dollars. "Keep your money; I'm not a stripper." I giggle.

"Can you walk me out?" I ask. he nods. "Of course I can." We walk to the concession stand area. "I'm going to buy you something." He tells me. I pause as he disappear into the crowd. My phone buzzes, but I don't check it.

He comes back with a foam finger. "Thanks." I spoke. His blue eyes were perfect. My phone vibrates again. I check it this time.

'I'm here.'

Symantha probably thought she was going to stay in Georgia all night. "Thank you, Chandler. For everything." I say before kissing him on his cheek. "I'll text." I say. "I'll be waiting." He calls to me. I wave.

This was a really fun experience. I just hope we get there before The boys do. I find Symantha's car. "Lets go." I say. She starts to drive. "I kinda like it here." She tells me. "It's not that bad, right?"

"Right." I tell her about my day. She spent her whole day shopping. "We should've went to that Titanic Exhibit." I tell her. She nods. I always think I have the worst life, but I think it just turned around. It's a breeze. Let's just hope it stays like that.

I mess with my phone on random apps before finding a magazine. It said. 'It looks like Louis and Clairey are getting comfortable while Harry's gone.' I roll my eyes. "This was from December?" I yell.


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