Chapter 46: Merry Christmas

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Chapter 46: Merry Christmas

Christmas would have been good if I wasn't in the hospital. I sent a picture to Louis but not to Harry. Louis is his dad. And I feel like Louis should know about it.

What would Harry say? Would he be mad? I don't know. Larry was nice enough to stay with me last night. He liked playing with baby Tristan.

Symantha and Ashlyn brung me my presents. It was so sweet. My mom and dad visited. They both held him.

Dad had to leave to go watch the kids that are practically grown. It was fine with me though. I just wanted to watch Larry play with Tristan. It made me happy.

He was so cute. Both Larry and Tristan. Larry looked at me with a twinkle in his eye. I could tell that he needed to be a father.

I smile at him. He goes back to speaking to half awake baby Tristan. This moment felt perfect. I was happy. The happiest I've been since Harry left.

I wish it could be like this all the time. Except Harry wasn't here. I needed Harry. He hopefully needed me too.

Harry's Point Of View:

I saw the picture of the baby. Louis had open the text message in front of me. I knew it was from Chloe because his contact name for her was Clairey. The text read: 'Merry Christmas.'

Why didn't she send me a picture? I was shocked. Louis' eyes were wide. He looked at me. I try to smile, but I can't.

Just not right now. "Chloe was pregnant?" He asked me. I nod. I didn't tell any of them about it. "It's yours." I spoke in a shushed voice.

He could tell I was about to cry. "Congratulations." I said weakly. He hugged me. We both cried, and it was okay.

No Homo.

All of us would see Chloe and the baby soon. We were going home now. Louis and I was going to see Chloe. Liam was going for Symantha. Niall and Zayn was going home to their actual families.

I hope we surprise them. Was she even home from the hospital yet? We'll see. I try to watch out the window at the familiar surroundings.

Once we got at the house, I walk to the door. It was unlocked. Liam and Louis followed me in. I look around. It felt like home. Even though this wasn't home.

"Chloe." I yell. We look at each other. Liam shrugs. "I'll call her." The number was dialing. I couldn't wait to hear her voice. She didn't answer. Only voicemail.

He hung up. "Let's try the hospital." Liam spoke after putting his phone away. We all turned for the door.

When we arrive at the hospital, we all walk to the main desk asking for the same person: Chloe. They told us the room number and the floor. I haven't been to a hospital since Chloe broke a couple of her ribs.

We start walking towards the room. "Congratulations." Liam spoke. Louis and I both said. "Thanks." He didn't say anything else.

Wonder how she was? I bet she was missing me as much as I missed her. My heart pounded. The wait was endless. We finally arrived.

I knock before being the first one to walk in. I scan the room. There she was. She jumped out of bed with one of those hospital gowns on.

"Harry!" She squealed. Symantha was holding the baby. She runs and jumps into my arms. Then she groans. "I love you." She then giggles.

I cover her exposed bum. "I love you too." My voice was cracking. I was so happy. She kissed me getting down. Chloe then hugs and kisses Louis. I wasn't jealous. The room was littered with people. Her mom was there. And so was that Larry guy.

And with that, she walks back to bed. Her hands motioned me to sit with her on the bed. I did. "Hey Harry." Chloe's mom spoke. I look up at her. She leaned in for a hug.

"Hello, love." I reply kissing her on her cheek. I was really happy right now. My attention turns back to Chloe. She was waiting on me to give her my full attention. I had a feeling we were going to talk about it. "I missed you so much." She spoke tears on the edge of becoming visible. "I missed you too, baby." I say hugging her again. And with that, she cried.

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