Chapter 11

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Here we were at Thorpe Park. I looked up at all the roll coasters and smiled. I loved roller coasters, but I knew for one thing Ashley hated the ones that spun. She was ok with drops, but she despised ones that spun. Ella was absolutely in love with every type of roller coaster.

We headed inside the park and I remembered my first time coming here. We were 9 and at that time mom just got divorced two years ago. She wasn't a business women yet and she had time for us. I remember Ashley throwing up on the Vortex. I felt weird too because it spun, but I didn't throw up.

"Which ride should we go on first?" Harry asked. I turned around.

"Not the Vortex. I just ate a box of cookies an hour ago and I don't want it to come out." I winked at Ashley and she sighed filled with relief.

"Ok then let's go on Nemesis Inferno!" Louis exclaimed. We nodded and walked to it. The lines weren't long, maybe because it wasn't close to summer.

"Zayn aren't you afraid of heights?" I asked him.

"Yeah I am."

"Well how come you can go on roller coasters?" Ashley asked.

"I don't know." said Zayn.


"If your afraid of roller coasters then you don't have to come. I'll come with." I whispered in Harry's ear.

"No I'll go, but you have to hold my hand the whole entire time." I blushed but nodded. Harry held my hand. We were getting on when the next one came.

Zayn and Alexis sat in the front row with Louis and Ella. I sat in the second row with Harry. The ride started and I never let go of Harry's hand.


I' m afraid of roller coasters, but sitting on one next to Ashley made all my fears wash away. She held my hand the entire time and I wasn't scared. I was enjoying it. I didn't know what Ashley was doing to me, but it helped me conquer my fear.

Alexis: we got off the Nemesis Inferno and we had to cool off. I spotted another rode and pointed to it. "Let's go on the Tidal Wave.

We reached the line and we had to take out all of our electronics and money. Everyone got their own locker and put there stuff in. We were on the line and I saw the biggest splash.

"Zayn are you going to be ok when riding this ride. I mean it has water and aren't you scared of it."

"Nope, not anymore. I conquered my fear of water." he replied.

"Whatever you say." I said. Hopefully, Zayn won't overreact on how his hair will turn out.

We were next. I purposely sat in the front row with Zayn. Ashley and Harry called the second row. Ella and Louis were probably grateful that they sat in the last row.

The ride started taking us up. It went pretty slowly and I felt Zayn tense up. I knew he was scared of heights so I placed my hand on his. I smiles at him and he smiles back.

The ride took us down on a couple of small hills and then we went back up, even higher. Soon we were on the top they let us go and we slid down. I heard screams of excitement and some of terror. We landed and a big wave of water splashed over us. I laughed and once we got out we were soaking wet.

Zayn's quift disappeared and he was shocked. Poor Zayn, he didn't even bring a mirror to fix his hair.

"Zayn, wait." I said in between laughs. I walked up to him and started to fix his wet hair. "Perfect." I said smiling.

I turned around and everyone was watching us with an amused expression. "What?" I asked.

"Nothing." they said in sync. Weird!


They were so cute. I couldn't help but be amused. I felt Harry intertwine his fingers with mine and we walked to the lockers to get our stuff back.

We were soaking so we had to stop in a drying room right outside of the ride. We took turns drying. Then we continued our walk to the lockers.

We grabbed our things and went to the next ride. It was called X:/ No Way Out. I think that this one was the best.


We walked to the creepiest ride. I didn't want to go on it because this one makes us ride backwards.

There was no line on this one. It was dark and creepy. We sat down and I took the middle row. Alexis and Zayn obviously took the front row while Ashley and Harry occupied the back row.

The ride started and there were a bunch of flashes. You could see prisoners and other weird things that I didn't want to mention. I clutched onto Louis who was taken by surprise. " Sorry, but can I stay like this." He nodded as I put my head into his chest. I hated things like this. It was scary.

The ride was over and I was the first one to get out and leave. The others took there time to come out. Alexis was laughing; I had no idea what she was laughing at especially after getting off a scary ride.

"Who's hungry?" Harry asked. Every raised there hand and we were off to an amusement park restaurant.

"Carrots or corn?"asked the lady.

"Carrots!" Louis and I exclaimed. The others laughed at us.


We finished eating and it was about 6: 00. We went on some of the other rides that weren't so fun. As soon as it was 9:00 the boys led us to the Ferris Wheel.

Ashley and Harry sat inside one of them. Louis and Ella sat in the second one. I though about leaving them alone and I sat in with Zayn on the last one.

"Zayn, are you sure your not afraid of heights?" I asked him.

"I am afraid of heights." Zayn took my hand and said "Can I?" I nodded and we held hands. His hands were warm and it felt like heaven in here.They felt exactly like the mystery guy, but of course Zayn wasn't there so it wasn't him. We stared at each other, but it wasn't awkward.


I sat in with Harry and I was nervous. Harry took my hand and bent down. He was going to kiss me. Our lips were inches away until we were interrupted by fireworks. They were so beautiful.


"Louis, look fireworks!" I exclaimed getting up. Our wheel shook a little bit and I lost my balance. I fell on top of Louis and he caught me.


"You have to be more careful." he replied smirking.

I blushed and went back to my seat. We watched the fireworks.


Soon fireworks started exploding and I was filled with awe. This clearly was the best day ever!


After about a full round we got off. Ashley and Harry had there hands together and I also noticed that Zayn didn't let go of my hand until we got in the car. It was a long day and I fell asleep again.


"Should we wake her up?" I asked.

"No, I'll carry her."

With that I unlocked the door and He put Alexis on her bed. He covered her with a blanket.

The boys left with that and I waved. I couldn't wait to tease Alexis about that. I even took a picture as proof.

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