Chapter 23

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His lips pressed on mine. They were warm, but I didn't get the sparks I got whenever I kissed Zayn. With the corner of my eye I saw Zayn and Ashley looking at us in shock.

Ashley came up to me as I pushed Harry away. "Harry how could you kiss Alexis?" she asked staring at him in disbelief.

"Alexis... Wait I thought she was you. Didn't you guys make it clear that navy was Ashley and pink was Alexis." he said looking from me to Ashley.

Zayn came in and said "Yeah, but they changed clothes during lunch. You weren't there and Alexis should have told you who she was right now instead of kissing you back."

"Hey I didn't kiss Harry back. I pushed him away. Plus it isn't entirely my fault." I said.

"Yeah she asked me to wait, but I didn't." Harry said.

"If you can't tell the difference between me and my sister how can I trust you not to kiss her again. I mean you can't even tell the difference between us." Ashley said tears pricking her eyes.

"Ashley, it was just a mistake. Plus it only happened because you both had your hair straight. I mean you guys did start going out a month ago and it will take time for Harry to get used to going out with a twin. So you have to calm down." I said. Ashley took my advice and wiped her eyes, even though the years weren't pouring out.

She said " Harry I just want you to know that there will be times when you kiss Alexis by mistake because we are twins. Also there will be times when Zayn kisses me by accident thinking I'm Alexis. So you boys have to get that or else..." Ashley said.

"We can't break up with you." Harry and Zayn said simultaneously. I smiled at them and gave Zayn a peck.

Wow this could be considered the shortest fight we ever had. I thought Ashley was going to run home crying and I would have to handle comforting her and making her understand. I have to say, she handled the situation very well.

I turned around and found the boys and Ella with an amused expression.

"Ella pay up!" Louis exclaimed.

"Fine." Ella said taking the money out of her pocket.

"Wait why is Ella giving you money Louis?" I asked.

"Well we kind of made a bet where if either of the boys kisses the wrong twin I would win. But if that doesn't happen Ella would win." Louis said.

"So because Harry kissed Alexis by accident, I have to give money to Louis. What happened boys? I had complete trust in you." Ella said.

"Sorry." Harry quickly replied.


While we were walking home I asked the boys if they knew about the party that Ashley was hosting. They all said no, so Ashley explained every detail. It was on Saturday which was like tomorrow and half of the school was invited. Ashley didn't invite people that she didn't know though.

I opened the door and I was involved in a big bear hug by someone that smelled like watermelon. I opened my eyes to see Jesse.

"Hey Ash and Alex." Jesse said with a grin on his face. Yeah Jesse made up names for us and now he calls us that all the time, but in a playful manner. Ashley brushed past to hug Jesse. Even Ella gave him a hug which probably made Louis over there jealous.

The boys came in and I introduced them. "Jesse this is Louis, Liam, Niall, Zayn, and Harry. Boys this is my brother Jesse." I said.

"Jess I'm going out with Harry while Alexis here got herself a boyfriend too."

"No way, who? Is he one of the guys here." Jesse said focusing on all of them.

"Yeah, take a random guess." Ashley said.

"Louis!" Jess said pointing to him.

"No silly goose, Louis is mine." Ella said with a tint of pink on her cheeks.

"Oh what happened to Drake?" Jess asked.

"Forget about him. Just guess which one is Alexis' guy." Ella said.

"Ok I know who it is. Zayn." Jess said looking proud.

"No it's not. Alexis is gong out with Liam!" Harry exclaimed making Jess' face drop. I laughed.

"No you were right Jess. I'm going out with Zayn here." I said walking up to Zayn and planting a peck on him.

"Wow so many things have changed since I last came here." Jesse said.

"Ok number one is since when did Alexis go out with Zayn? Number two is how did you two get boyfriends when you promised that you never would? Number three is how did you meet them." Jesse asked.

So from square one we had to tell Jesse everything. He found out that they were One Direction and he also found out how I confessed and how we were going out with the two boys. He also found out about Drake and was ready to go pound on him. I swear Jesse and I are alike. I bet when he figured that out, he felt the way I felt when I figured it out. To Jesse, Ella was like a third sister that he never had.

So basically it was like Jesse was with us all along. Through our story the information leaked about Ashley's party which Jesse automatically approved of.

Jesse was a senior like us, but he went to a private school two towns down. It was the start of his spring break.

Jesse went after our dad while we went after our mom. Jesse got mom's sincere green eyes, but got dad's hair. I'll tell you one thing: Jesse was attractive and dad was not. I'm glad that Jesse didn't get brown hair or else we would probably look like triplets.

The boys hung out with us and they got along really well with Jesse. When the boys left Jesse said "I approve." which only meant one thing. He approved of Ashley and Harry and Zayn and I.

I laid on my bed thinking about tomorrow. Wait tomorrow was Ashley's party which meant that I had to wear a dress. Maybe I could just stay locked in my room. Thinking about rooms, I've never seen Zayn's and he has never seen mine. It was the same for Ashley.

I wonder how a guy's room looks like? I wrapped my arm around Poochy and fell into a deep sleep.

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