Chapter 29

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I read the sign on my locker. It said "Spring Formal is here! May 29." and some other stupid stuff.

"Why are you so grumpy today?" asked Ashley.

"Because spring formal is coming up and you know I hate it." I said.

"Well this year it's going to be really fun because you already have a date." she said.

"I know I should have said no, but he was all happy and I didn't want to disappoint him."

"What are you talking about? Of course you should have said yes. Spring formal is a like prom, but earlier." she replied.

"I know. I have no problem with it, but I don't have a dress." I said while mumbling the last part.

"You will. I mean I don't have a dress, but we are going shopping today with Ella and Tiffany."

"But I have to go somewhere." I said trying to think of an excuse.

"No buts. You are coming and that is final." she said.

The boys came and read the spring formal sign on my locker. I bet that they purposely put it on my locker so that I would be annoyed.

"I can't believe that you are going to spring formal!" Ella exclaimed walking up to me.

"Well believe it." I said.

"Zayn totally changed you. From staying home alone to going to parties and the spring formal. You even started wearing dresses and you even give hugs." she said.

I rolled my eyes and remembered what Louis did to Liam one day. A lovebite. "Oh and I also give lovebites now too." I said grabbing Ella's hand and giving it a peck making sure to make a loud sound. Her white sweater was in the way, but it didn't matter.

"Nooooooo. Stop Alexissssss!" she whined while pulling her hand back. I smirked. It felt good to annoy Ella.

"Your so helpless without Louis right now!" I said.

"I know right! I wish he was two years younger so we could be together." she replied rubbing her hand.

I turned around and picked at my lock until it opened. I grabbed my stuff and headed into...ugh!...algebra.


"Today you will be getting your tests back." Mr. Saxen said as he went around handing out tge tests. I rolled my eyes. Of course Ashley and I are going to get hundreds and hopefully the boys would too or at least close to that.

Zayn got his test and a big red 82 was on it. Not bad! I looked at Liam who was on my other side and saw that he got a 98. Very impressive!

I got up when Mr. Saxen wasn't looking and saw that Niall got a 80. I was impressed considering that he didn't get shit at first. Ella came through for him.

I noticed that Mr. Saxen was talking to Ashley for some reason. I went over to Harry and saw that he got a 83 on his test. Today he was sitting next to Niall so Ella and Ashley were together.

Ella had a worried look on her face. Mr. Saxen talking to Ashley and Ella's face. Anyone could tell there was something wrong.


What is wrong with me? How could I get that? I held back tears. Because of this I might not get into a good college. The college that I wanted to go to.

"You could of gotten into Yale or Harvard, but I don't know now." he said.

"Just because of this I can't go to those colleges?" I asked shock written all over my face.

"Unless you get straight 100s until the rest of the year is over." Mr. Saxen said while walking back to his desk.

The bell rang in between Mr. Saxen's teaching. Everyone scrambled out and I quickly got rid of the test by shoving it in my folder. It was obvious that Harry was the reason that I can't get into a good college. Maybe I should end our relationship and focus on getting into Harvard.


I knew something was wrong. Ashley is usually the last person to get out of the classroom. For some reason today she was the first. Maybe she got into a fight with Harry, no. If she did Harry would tell the boys and Zayn would tell me. Something else must be bugging her today.

I have to make her spill it out and I definitely will...with the help of Ella of course.

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