Chapter 16

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We reached the skate park and I saw Drake. He wasn't snogging with anyone. Maybe he broke up with Karrie, but I really didn't care.

Louis led me to the closest half pipe where Drake was. "I can't skate." Louis whispered in my ear, brushing my ear with his lips.

"Louis you can't do anything." I said laughing.

"I can play soccer, sing, and LOVE CARROTS!" he exclaimed. I laughed. What was with him and carrots?

I taught Louis some tricks and he soon got the hang of it. It was funny seeing Louis fall on his bum. I went to go buy some water, but someone grabbed me.

Panic surged through me, but it died down once I saw Drake. I looked at him blankly.

"Why are you going out with that guy?" he asked.

"His names Louis and I can go out with whoever I want." I spat back. He let go and I walked back.

Drake was so annoying and jealous. When I came back I said "Just had a talk with Drake. Jealousy to the extreme. I've got my revenge, so I don't think we should do this anymore. Thank you Louis for helping me." I smiled.

"No problem, but we can still hang out right." he said.

"Of course Louis." I said.

"Not as friends though." he said. I looked into his eyes and he was serious. Louis was serious for the first time. I didn't say anything so he continued on.

"I mean I don't know what happens to me whenever your with me. My heart beats faster and I get nervous. Whenever we touch I'm afraid you'll hear my heart beating."

"Louis, your trying to say that you fancy me."

"Yeah I do fancy you, but I understand that you just broke up with your boyfriend a week ago, so I will wait." he said with a smile.

"Louis I like you too, but I just need time. I'll tell you my answer on Saturday." I said. He nodded.

We made our way back to the school where Louis had his car.


"So the big secret is a walk in the park." I said.

"Yeah it is a secret because I didn't tell you where we were going." he replied.

We stood on top of a bridge looking at the clear water.

"Have you ever heard of the legend where if you see a green turtle in this river, you get good luck?" I asked Zayn. I clearly knew that was fake, but Zayn didn't.

"Are you serious? Let's find it then."Zayn said filled with excitement. I nodded.

We began our search for the turtle. Zayn went in the water first and I followed him. My jeans were soaking wet, but I didn't care.

Zayn rummaged through the water looking for the turtle, but he couldn't find it. After about 30 minutes of searching he gave up.

"You know that well never find the green turtle because it doesn't exist." I said.

Zayn looked shocked, but then he began to laugh along with me.

We soon began to throw pebbles in the water trying to see who can make it skip the most. In the end Zayn won.

We then walked to the playground side and I went through the monkey bars. It gets harder when your feet touch the ground.

"You know what I think of you when I see you." I looked at him.

"What?" I asked with curiosity.

"A monkey!" he exclaimed.

"Hey just because I can go on the monkey bars and get through them doesn't makes me a monkey. I get it, you were jealous." I said laughing. "Its ok Zayn."

We walked back to the bridge and I felt someone watching me. Maybe it was my imagination.

I tripped over something and was about to fall on my face until two strong arms grabbed me. I got back up and thanked Zayn.

"You have to be careful." he said with a smirk.

I smiled at him and we started to walk back to my house.


"Why did you bring me here? I mean I like it, but why? We could have something so less..." I trailed off.

"Expensive." he finished for me. We were at a French restaurant called Bistrot Bruno Loubet.

I looked through the menu and found one that caught my eye: Roasted lamb with a herb salad. Harry decided to order Braised beef Indochine with a mango and herb salad.

We waited until our dishes came. I had no idea what was coming and hopefully I liked it. We had dinner and it was delicious. As desert we got an apple tart with cinnamon ice cream.

Now we were standing outside the restaurant. It was a beautiful day, but the sun was slowly setting.

Harry held my hand as we walked toward the sun or should I say my house. The sunset was beautiful. I was amazed my it.

Harry bent down and gave me a kiss. We weren't close to snogging yet, but it would come sooner or later. The kiss was as beautiful as the sunset, maybe even more beautiful than the sunset.

We continued walking home and stopped when I saw Alexis give Zayn a peck on the cheek. She said something to him and went inside.

Zayn started to walk the other way and after Harry dropped me off I saw him run after Zayn. They were probably going to walk home together.

"Ashley, Zayn has a girlfriend." Alexis said.

"Who? Wait its you. That's why you were with Zayn and you gave him a peck! I'm so happy for you!" I said going in to give her a hug.

"No it's not me. It's Nicole." she said. Wait what, if Zayn is going out with Nicole why was he with Alexis. She had to be lying.

"Stop lying." I said.

"I'm not. I swear. Zayn and Nicole are together." Alexis's eyes became watery. She was going to cry. I knew she she really liked Zayn, but I never thought that she would cry over a guy.

I comforted her and then I forced Alexis to go to bed early. I sat on the couch thinking about Zayn'a actions. Maybe he had a reason. I'll ask Harry to talk to Zayn tomorrow.

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