Chapter 14

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"Surprise!" yelled a bunch of voices. I jumped and Ashley had her mouth open.

"How did you get in our house?" I asked crossing my arms over my chest.

"Well the thing was that you dropped your keys in the hallway and I picked them up... Then we... I mean I was going to give them back, but I forgot... Then the boys wanted to throw a surprise party... So surprise!" Ella said nervously. Ashley laughed and I rolled my eyes.

"Liar, I have my keys. The keys you have are Ashley's." I replied with a smile. Ashley closed the door behind us and turned on the lights.

There were pink and purple colored decorations everywhere. Purple for me and pink for Ashley. The house looked...cute.

"We ordered from Nandos!" Niall exclaimed. Liam slapped his forehead.

"Its a surprise party, you don't tell them until it comes." Louis said.

"Sorry, I just got excited." Niall replied.

"You always get excited!" everyone exclaimed except for Niall. We laughed.

Soon everyone got comfy on the couch and we played Would You Rather...

Liam spun the bottle and it landed on Zayn. "Would you rather kiss Alexis or Ashley?" My head shot up; please don't say me.

Zayn looked flustered at first, but then he said "Alexis because if I kissed Ashley, I'd die right after." My face heated up and I was probably red by now.

Everyone looked at me with and amused expression on their face. I scowled.

"What do you mean, you'd die right after the kiss?" Niall asked.

"Harry." Zayn said pointing at Harry.

"You know I wouldn't kill you." he replied.

"Sure you say that now, but of that ever happens I'd be on the floor dead." he replied. "Anyway it's my turn to spin."

The bottle spun and this time it landed in front of Ashley.

Zayn took some time into thinking about his would you rather. "Would you rather be my girlfriend or wife?" I almost spit out my drink.

"Um...girlfriend." Ashley answered.

"Why?" asked Liam who was as curious as me.

"So I could break up with you and go to Harry!" she exclaimed giving Harry a peck on the cheek. I started to laugh at Zayn who was pretending to be hurt.

Ashley spun the bottle and it landed on me. I gulped. Thank god the doorbell rang.

"I'll go get it." I said rushing to the door. Niall came with me and we both carried the food into the kitchen. I came back into the living room and saw Ashley smirk at me.

I was confused. "Alexis, you can't skip like that. As a punishment you have to kiss...Zayn!" she said pointing at him. His eyes went wide and my mouth dropped. Kiss Zayn, I couldn't do that.

I looked around the room and everyone had their mouths forming an "o".

"Do I have to?" I asked.

"Yes, a punishment has to be fulfilled." she said.

"Ok but where do I kiss him?" I asked.

"You have to kiss Zayn on the..." Ashley said.

"Cheek!" Ella exclaimed. Thank you, Ella.

I walked up to him and bent down. We were eye level and I gently grabbed his chin. I tilted it and gave him a peck on the cheek. I drew back and was shocked.

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