Chapter 3

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We stood in front of the closed door leading into Algebra. I looked at Harry and said "Well this is the classroom, let's go see our 5th period class which was Lunch. "

"At least let them see the inside, Ashley." Alexis said while pushing the door open. There was a class inside.

They saw One Direction and immediately went in fan girl mode.

"Sorry to disturb." Alexis said while slamming the door behind me. She looked at the ground her cheeks a bright scarlet color. That was probably embarrassing.

To avoid any questions I said "It's time for lunch."


That was really embarrassing. I walked behind the boys until I recovered. My cheeks became their normal color and then we basically continued to give the boys a tour around the school.

So today we missed a lot of our classes. You could even call it skipping class except the principal knew where we were. It didn't really matter because we already knew everything unlike the boys whose best grade was a C.



"Are you guys busy today? We could tutor you today if you want." I asked the guys.

"Actually we don't have anything to do today because until we finish senior year, we will always be free. Which means no new songs, recording, concerts, or anything One Direction related, unless we want to have something." Liam said with the others nodding in agreement.

"No wait. Did you guys forget that I have a date with Ella and Drake today? We have to go to the skate park today, so I can't tutor you guys." Alexis said.

"So just cancel today." Ashley said.

"Or better yet, we could all go to the skate park today. I'll even call Louis over. Then if it isn't late, we could still study." Zayn said taking out his phone.

Everyone nodded in agreement and we were off to meet Ella.


I met Ella outside the bike racks were we always met after school.

"Hey, I kind of invited people to go to the skate park with us." I said with a cheeky grin on my face.

"No problem, who are they?" Ella asked.

She scowled once she saw who was behind me. "Come on just give them a chance. They are nice if you get to know them and as you can see I would know this after spending a full day with them." I whispered into her ear. She nodded and gave them a smile.

Louis drove into the driveway and horned twice. We all looked at him and waved. He got out and said "You boys actually made friends on your first day."

"Actually were their tutors and escorts not their friends. Oh and tomorrow is there first day." I responded.

"Oh, we aren't friends. How could you say that after we all made plans to go to the skate park with you?" Zayn said.

"Well I guess I can make an exception for today. Now let's go to the skate park." I said grabbing Ella's hand and running to the skate park which was near our school.

Louis parked the car and joined us while we waited on a nearby a bench where students usually eat their lunch. We then started our walk to the skate park.

"Oh, Alexis I'm going to call Drake and tell him that we are coming." Ella said reaching for her cell phone.

I grabbed her hand and said "Wait, let's surprise him." She nodded in agreement and I looked back. Ashley was talking to Harry a lot and Harry did the same to her. Maybe Harry does like her. It would be cute if they became a couple.

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