Chapter 10

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I was in the kitchen making blueberry waffles and cookies.

"Jack and anti come get..... FOOOD!!!" I yelled as they came running down I wasn't the happiest because Anti was staying for awhile and who knows what could happen.

????? P.O.V

"We have two others with Y/n sir." he said.

"Ok we will have to move the date of the plan, in eight days we will get them back!" I yelled spamming my fists into the desk almost breaking it. I just hope they haven't grown stronger since the past few years.

Anti P.O.V

I ran down the stairs jumping down the last few because I love cookies like Jack does that might be why we fight sometimes.

"Yay! Food!" I said.

"Wow you're excited for my cooking aren't you?" Y/n asked with a smirk on her face.

"Well yeah food is life!" I yelled as a reply. Food is beauty, food is grace and I'll punch you in He face. "True, true." she said shaking her head side to side with a smile and a sigh.

"Just go eat I made 12 cookies for you and another 12 for Jack so no one has more or less so if I hear you guys fighting over cookies I'll be frustrated."

She said and when she said frustrated her eyes turned (insert color here) which was a bit scary so I just went to go eat.


I don't know what to do I've had this feeling like something bad is going to happen soon, when I mean soon I mean in a few days and when something bands about to happen I usually get a vision of what may occur so I'm just waiting on that vision, the visions usually come in dreams so I'll wait until tonight.

Jack P.O.V

Y/n made cookies and blueberry waffles I took some waffles and a pan of cookies with my name on it and looked at the other pan it had Anti's name on it I decided not to take one of his cookies.

I took a bite of a cookie and lets just say it literally melted in my mouth it was so good I decided I had to thank Y/n for there cooking, but after I finish the delicious food.


Sorry the chapter took so long to make I went camping for the weekend and I had a week to rest because I went camping for a week a few weeks ago and that's the reason. I have a question for you my fellow readers, who do you think the mystery person is id like to know who you guys think it is! PEACE!

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