Chapter 45

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Anti P.O.V

I felt a disturbance in this world, the time has been messed with majorly. I'm guessing Dark has something to do with this if his plan fails he will be sentenced to eternal suffering in the universal prison, he'd be locked away tortured every day and since he is an immortal being hed be there forever.

"Good, serves him right he just had to kill..." I think as I'm pulled out of my thoughts with the sound of a gunshot. The shot rings in my ears as I look around to get my bearings I see Dark with, "No." I think my eyes going wide, I shut them fast squeezing them fast and tight.

"No, I don't wanna relive this." I say after a bit I hear screaming "This ain't real, no, no. No!" I say my last no a bit louder than the rest of my words. I hear laughing as there are more gunshots "Not real, not real, not real." I repeat in my mind almost a thousand times as the sounds fade away.


I sit up and look around to see everything around me is black but I look in front of me to see a scene, I see two little girls with a beautiful girl that looks to be in her early 20's. Then a cloud of smoke surrounded her slowly wrapping around her body as she cackles, staring at the two girls evilly.

I suddenly realize what this is, I close my eyes. This was the work of Dark it just had to be! I just hear a scream and thud in front of me but I didn't want to do anything but shut my eyes and wait for it to be done, this is my punishment for what I didn't do for her.

I continue to stand there with my eyes shut, I didnt bother to cover my ears for I knew what was happening and even if I did cover my ears I would still hear the memory play in my head like a broken record that can't be stopped.

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