Chapter 44

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Marks P.O.V

I ran into the nearby wood, I knew Jack he would try to follow me. I'm faster than him and he knows it. I continue running for a bit everything a blur around me until I find it, I look around as I'm standing on the edge of a cliff overlooking the woods, and what looks to be a town surrounded by trees in the middle of the wood.

I run back to tell Jack when suddenly I get tackled down to the grown.

"What the?" I ask then a hand covers my hand.

"Shhhh." They shushed me the voice sounded like a girls. I look up at her and I couldn't see her face, it was like it was blurred out and her hair just kept switching colors one moment black the other brown than the next blonde than red than purple than blue and all sorts of colors.

"What the actual heck (Gotta keep it PG) is going on?!" I think then everything fades as yelling is heard and the girl runs away. Black. That's all I could see,

"Ugh what to do and how long am I going to be here for?" All these questions run through my mind rapidly as I realize my situation.

Jacks P.O.V

I looked away for a moment to get my surroundings when I turn back around I see that where there was previously wood, there was just a grass field outstretching as far as you could see. I start to panic before a figure teleports in and floats down, people around me gasp as they look at the man.

"Today we go into phase 5 of my plan to take over your miserable excuse of a dimension." The figure says. Dark. I could hear people whisper behind me like, "Is this real." and "No way this ain't real." What they didn't know unfortunately was that this was 100% real and there was nothing they could do about it.

"What'd you'd do with Mark?!" I shout to him, he must have had something to do with his disappearance.

"Mark?! He's gone, I'm in control now and soon ill be in control of everyone and everything in the worthless dimension!" He shouts loud enough for everyone to hear.

No A/N today.

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