Chapter 41

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Anti P.O.V.

I just needed to capture whoever this is and wait until their invisibility where's off. 'Gosh, I wish Y/N was here, she'd know what to do.'

I hold my ground until they charge at me full speed, I dig my feet into the ground and push back so I don't fall. I grab their arms and throw them into the nearby hole. As they fell into the hole I could hear them grunt as they jump, trying to get out.

I suddenly look around reliving there are a ton of holes around me 'I could have accidentally fell in one of these' I thought.

"So what are you gonna do with me? Kill me?" A voice all of a sudden says, I look down the hole to see a man around his mid 20's, he is pretty young with dark black hair.

"No." I say then start to walk away.

"Wait!" The man calls out.

"What? I have stuff to do." I say back annoyed but not walking back to the hole, instead I just stand my ground.

"Dark is looking for you. He has the girl? Alex was it?" The man says questioningly.

"No." I say he was wrong, but who is he to know such knowledge. I snap my fingers and he goes unconscious, I'll ask the group if any of them know him. I head out looking for something anything, I try mind linking Y/N. Nothing.


I could feel someone trying to contact me but I couldn't figure who. "H...l....." Is all that I can hear, I know where they are contacting me from. It was 1:00 am and everyone else was asleep. I decided after a while to go, I open a portal to there dimension and go in.

It wasn't much of a dimension, looked like it was from the movie Holes. Just the desert with a ton of wholes, I look up to see that there was no sun yet it wasn't dark in this dimension and the sky was a blueish, yellow.

Finally a full message came to me "Y/N?!" The voice comes in, it sounds familiar.

"What?" I reply.

"Where are you?" The voice comes back, I could hear a slight distortion in the voice. Anti. It was Anti, I couldn't teleport to him. I didn't know where he was, I need to keep him mind linked long enough to get to him.

"Hold on, I'm coming." I assure him, not really I just need him to talk long enough.

"Try shouting, let's see if you are close by." He says.

"ANTI!!" I shout into the distance and cupping my hands around my mouth to have it louder.

"I yelled."I tell him through the mind link after a few seconds of silence.

"I could barely hear a thing." He replies. Good, he isn't too far.

"Talk about something, tell me something." I tell him because I didn't know what else to say. "Okay." He replies. He just says some random things about the past and tells stories.

After about 5 minutes I'm able to teleport, so I teleport to him.

"Hey." I say as I walk over. I didn't teleport right in front of him just in case this dimension messes up with my teleporting.

"Let's get you out of here and quick since I've been here, 3 hours have passed on Earth and I/bfn and Maddie will make up soon." I say then teleport all nearby living things, it is easier to do that spell because it doesn't take as much energy.

Anti P.O.V

I didn't tell her about the man, oh well. I didn't care for him, he was boring and whined a lot.

"It's 4:30." Y/N says.

"And we are alone." I say knowing that'll upset her.

"Whatever." She says as she scopes out the area.

"Where are we?" I ask now realizing I have no clue where in the world we are.

"Either America, Canada or Cuba." Y/N says, I get a quick scan of everything. I see the camp is to my left a bit of distance to walk to but not too far. We were in the woods, some pretty thick woods. I couldn't come close to seeing the other side and I have heightened sight.

I hear a groan from behind me that startled me, so what do I do? Scream like a little girl and jump towards Y/N.

"How romantic." She says as I am in her arms, she rolls her eyes and her words are laced in boredom, along with sarcasm.

She added on to my joke, that's my thing. I get off of her and brush myself off

"What?! Wayln?!" Y/N says looking shocked and looking strait, I look to where she was looking. I saw the same guy I met in the other dimension.

"You know him?" I asked a little surprised. She doesn't have many friends.

"Yeah, Alex's stalker." Y/N says crossing her arms and glaring at him now.

"Oh baby, come on. Don't call me a stalker that's mean."

He says siting up strait now.

"What." I say honestly so confused.

"He calls everyone baby." Y/N says."

Not true, only you." He says winking suductivly.

"I don't have enough energy to open a portal." Y/N groans.

"He is annoying." I say breaking the tension slightly, the tension is so thick you'd need the sharpest katana to slice through it.

"You trying to get rid of me baby?" He says but he was super close now, I look over to Y/N to see him right by her side.

"Can you not teleport?" Y/N says knowing I was confused and answering my question. Suddenly he is now behind her about to whisper in her ear when he drops to the ground in the fetal position on his side.

"Leave him for the wolves." Y/N says coldly.

"Agreed." I say relieved all the tension was gone. We head back to the camp.

"It's kinda pointless to sleep now." Y/N says looking to the sky. You could see it slightly getting brighter, it was about 5:10 now.

"What's the plan?" I ask her looking at her.

"For once, I don't have a clue. I thought about mind link, but I can only for sure mind link Mark. But the others I can't do much for."

She says slightly worried, I've never heard her worried. She still looks at the sky, I am still looking towards her but not at her. No, I am looking st the pack of wolves running towards us in the distance.


*Cries* I'm so sorry! I have been pressuring myself so much to make this chapter that I stayed up tonight to get it out. I'm tired! I have some stuff early in the morning so I'll barely get sleep for that. I've been busy and I will be for the rest of this week and next week. Once school starts I will post more chapters though. Anyway, Anti is back! Where exactly is the group? How will they get the others? And more so why is there a pack of wolves coming for them at 5:00 in the morning? Hopefully these questions will be answered next time on Dragon Ball Z! Just kidding, it's not Dragon Ball Z. But I will be out in the universe somewhere. Boiiii

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