Chapter 34

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Mark P.O.V

They told us the plan. basically, we have to sneak in there being as quiet as possible and we try, key word try to get dark. We might rescue someone named Alex first, I don't know who this Alex person is, I'm just guessing a friend. This plan would take about 2 months but if we are lucky it would only take 1 month. We didn't want to get our hopes up. We train for a while more before y/n says something "We should go to my dimension, nothing can get in without me granting access." We all either nod or say sure or yes or why not. We go through the portal into her dimension there was a training area next to us and a house about 2 meters away. "This is all yours?" I ask looking around "Yeah, still working on it but I have everything I need." She says as she makes an apple appear into her hand "Wait you need to eat here?" i/bfn asks y/n just shrugs her shoulders "I like eating, you don't have to but it just feels nice." She says then takes a bite of her apple "Can I have one?" I ask She nods and throws one at me. I catch it and take a bite, y/n was right it did feel nice and I feel more energized "Wow! Thanks!" I say gesturing to the apple I haven't felt this energized for a while. Y/n ends up giving apples to everyone. "Hey, how are you doing you haven't talked much." I whisper loud enough for only jack to hear "Well ye know, I guess I'm just homesick and what about our channels?" He whispers I never really thought of it like that. "Have you ever talked to y/n about this?" I ask him he shakes his head "You know you can go into the house, upstairs and second door on the right. There are some recording equipment and a computer with tons of games, you could record a video." Y/n says casually as she walks ahead of us Jack looks surprised "Why are you surprised, anything you can think of I can make it appear." She says glancing back at us for a moment. "How would it actually get on youtube?" Jack asks curious on how it works. "Magic." She says back plainly "Just don't question it." I say back to jack he nods "You can head to the house we are going to head to the training area." She says he nods and starts to jog toward the house.

Anti P.O.V

My mind was screaming for me to stop I knew why I just couldn't tell anyone I think y/n knows, but I'm not sure because she hasn't said anything to me about it. I know she wouldn't tell anyone if she knew and that's something I like about her, she feels like a sister to me. I hope that this job doesn't take her away from me.


I know this chapter is short but, the next one will be longer I promise, I just feel like I need to get a chapter out so here it is. 

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