Chapter 38

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Alex P.O.V

'Uhhh, where am I?' I think to myself. I back away from the portal because the others would get here soon, I look around to see where I am but I see just a blinding light. I shield my eyes until they adjust then I see that I am in a white room like an asylum but cleaner. 

There was a bed in the corner and a nightstand next to the bed. I look around to see some glass and machinery behind it, a door was next to the glass with 2 codes locks. 'How am I going to get out of here and where are the others?' I wonder, I look back to the portal to see that the portal was gone.

 "Crap." I say under my breath.

Anti P.O.V

I look around to see that I was back in the training area where we got attacked from. 

"ALEX!" I shout for her, she has to be here because she went through the portal first. I start to walk around before I hear a sword get knocked off one of the racks. I whip my head around and throw fire in the direction, I could hear someone running around. 

"This ain't good." I whisper to myself. 

"Who are you!?" I shout at them I hear them trying to run toward me from behind so I whip around to see their invisibility flicker. 'Their invisibility is taking too much of their power, I just have to stall for long enough.' I make a plan then silently nod to myself confirming the plan.

Mark P.O.V

I do a cool barrel roll and jump up to land. I look behind me to see Jack coming in and he trips to almost lands on me before I jump out of the way so he faces plants onto the ground. I start laughing before looking around to see we are in some sort of house before I realize that this is Felix's house, 

"Felix!?" I yell wondering if he was here or not. I look around quickly to see where we were in the house, I saw that we were in the kitchen. I look back to see Jack reaching for the cookie jar.

"Sean! No." I say knowing no one else would be here except maybe Felix or Marzia.

"Hello?" I hear a feminine voice say.

"Marzia?" I ask looking towards where she would come in. 

"Mark?" She asks as I see her in the living room looking at us. 

"Hi." I and Jack say at the same time with Jack eating a cookie. I roll my eyes and look back to Marzia, she just looks confused.

i/bfn P.O.V

I go through,

"Guys?" I ask looking around to see that I am in an open field with a forest a few miles away. I look around to see no one nearby, I start getting scared because I saw no one. I look up at the sun to guess what time it was, the sun was going to set in a few hours so it was around 2-3 pm. I look at my watch to see that it was cracked so I couldn't read it. I wipe my eyes to realize that I was slightly crying, I guess I was more scared than I thought.


I look around for a while longer before I spot someone.

"Show yourself!" I shout they look back at me.

"Y/n?" I hear them say,

"Maddie?" I guess it kind of sounded like her I slowly sneak towards her. 

"Maddie!" I say running towards her as I make sure it is her.

"Where are the others?" I ask.

"I have no clue, I haven't seen them." She says back, I could hear that she was scared by the shakiness in her voice. 

"This ain't good, his dimension must have messed up with teleportation and the rest of the group could be anywhere." Maddie looks at me with wide eyes with tears threatening to spill. 

"What are we go-going to d-do?" She asks me as if she was a little kid. 

"It's going to get dark soon so we should get out of these woods." I look around then back at her.

"Do you know if we are on Earth?" I ask Maddie knowing she had a watch that only worked on Earth. She looks at me confused for a moment then looks at her watch,

"Yes, we are and it's 3:27." I nod.

"Let's get going then." I say so we start to walk in a random direction.


Well your group is separated without any way of communication and you are running out of energy to teleport. Whatcha gonna do? Find out next time in Chapter 39!

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