Chapter 30

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Maddie P.O.V

I see Y/N coming down the stairs with I/bfn in her arms. Y/n sets I/bfn on the couch beside me, I just sit there and watch what she does. She puts her hands on her heart and closes her eyes I think she is healing her. By the time I/bfn opens her eyes Y/N looks pale and passes out. "I/bfn! Are you okay!?" I yell at her she just springs up looking at me and starts looking around "where is Y/N?" She asked still looking around. "She is behind the couch......" I/bfn jumps up and runs to the unconcious girl "how?" Is all she can get out "She over worked herself trying to heal you." I said not feeling bad at all this was the second time I/bfn almost died "Will she wake up soon?" She asks looking up at me I go over to Y/N and pick her up putting her on the couch "let's hope so."


I'm back again chained down. I can barely move and I'm alone with the darkness and my thoughts. I feel nothing only the chains when I try to move just the slightest. I hear nothing only the chains rattling when I try to move. I feel like I should do something but I can't do nothing. I can only lay here. I hear a cry from a familiar voice that I can't name. I see something a faint light in the distant the chains loosen so I can only go top word the light. When I get close enough my breath hitches. "Alex." I say breathlessly I want to cry out to her but I know it's not real but then I see someone come into view next to her. Dark I can see him looking at her and at that instant I knew he was hurting her. I want to kill dark for this, but I know I can't for he is.... I couldn't finish the though becuase at that instant I'm pulled out of my thoughts.

"Y/N!" I/bfn yells engulfing me in a hug. " I was so worried!" She says hugging me tighter. I was still shaken from what I had seen I accidentally blirted out "Dark has Alex." I cover my mouth after saying that "what!!" I/bfn and Maddie say at the same time "we need to get her back!" Maddie says looking at me and jumping out "no." I say calmly "WHAT, Why!!!!" She says getting a bit mad "We don't have a plan first of all and second you know I can't kill dark." I say sadly " then I'll kill him!" She says bravely "no. You know I'm the only one out of the three of us that can kill him." I say knowing she will still argue with me. She does something I thought she wouldn't do. She started to cry "open a portal." She says "wh-" "Just do it!!" She cuts me off yelling. "No." She looks at me after I said that, I can't open a portal becuase I'm still to weak and she would be lost in between this world and all the other dementions. She knew this too but she was to upset to realize this. I walk over to her "I promise we will get Alex back we just need a plan first and do it when I'm not so weak." I say putting a hand on her back "okay." She says softly.


I'm sorry haven't updated in over a month it's just I've been busy and my phone is still broke. School has been such a drag and Baily has been so annoying (she is right as I'm writing this)

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