Chapter 37

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Alex P.O.V

*Beep* *Beep* I hear as I look down at the phone to see that he hung up on me. I sigh as I put the phone away, I don't need to worry because they are going to rescue me so it doesn't matter if he threatens me. I wish I could run out the doors but there is the chain on my ankle that bounds me here otherwise, I would have left a long time ago.

I sit here and close my eyes to hear a voice,

"Hey, we are almost there is anyone guarding you?" The mind link I quickly respond knowing I should tell her already.

"No, but there is a chain on my ankle bound by dark magic I-" She cuts me off,

"Don't worry about it, any cameras?"

"No." I respond I can tell she silently nods at cuts off the link. I know that if she leaves us linked too long Dark could track it, I look out the window to see a group running towards here, I am guessing it's them. I look over to the elevator.

"I found them without your help." Dark says as he runs out the opposite door that the group is going towards. I just sit there silently, he could come back and see me looking at the group and I don't need that to give them away.

Anti P.O.V

We are almost to the building Y/n says there should be no one and no cameras. I just hope she is right, I know Dark he wouldn't give us an easy chance to get her but yet he could easily replace her. Hmmm... interesting.

Jack P.O.V

I look over to Anti to see him looking ahead, his face blank.

"Thinking face." I say.

"Definitely." Y/n says.

"I've seen it before." she adds.

"ANTI!!" I shout at him he grunts and gives me a death glare.

"You're falling behind, let's hurry up!" Y/n shouts at him he shakes his head, his eyes returning to normal. He just nods to her and starts running top speed. Y/n just grunts and starts running much faster then Anti. I start laughing like a child and start running after them with the others quickly surpassing me. I start getting tired and I just Jog, Mark looks back to see me. "I *huff* am out *huff* of shape *huff*." I say barely grasping for air, he just laughs and comes to join me in a jog.

"Now you aren't alone." He says. I laugh along with him.

Alex P.O.V

I look up to see Y/n in a full sprint coming with Anti just behind her.

"Hey!" Y/n says coming to a stop she opens a portal that drops her light sword in her hand. She swings down quickly 3 times slashing through the metal of the chain.

"Now come on, we don't have much time." She says grabbing me and carrying me out.

"I can't open a portal this close to the building, Dark is bound to sense it." She says as she talks to the group.

"Are you sure you want to carry her?" Anti asks Y/n just nods I look over to I/bfn and Maddie, I give them a small wave. "Let's hurry Dark Y/n won't be able to fool Dark for long." She says as she starts to run.


I run trying to not jostle Alex too much. We run for a good few minutes until I abruptly stop.

"I think we are good. How are you holding up Alex?" I look down to her.

"Good." She replies, I nod.

"Good you can walk just fine then." I say and drop her, she screams so I catch her with my magic and make her stand upright. Maddie punches my arm, it didn't hurt but I know if I wasn't so magical it would have left a bruise.

I roll my eyes at her and open the portal. "Hurry, we don't know when he will-." I get cut off.

"You!" I hear being shouted I knew who it was, Dark.

"HURRY!" I shout and push Alex in. I signal everyone to get into the portal. I throw a light spell at him and he dodges it with ease so, I throw wind to try to push him back. He grunts and tries to push against the wind I look back to see everyone has gone through so I slowly back towards the portal keeping the air pushing against him. He realizes what I am doing and starts pushing harder making it look like he is just walking. I stop the spell and run in, I quickly close the portal. I look around to see a forest, well crap, we are lost.


Nothing to say so bye ^-^/

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