Chapter 1

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Have you ever met someone that just made your world spin round and round till you became so dizzy you started saying crazy things like ' I love you?' 

Yeah, me neither. 

I was never one that believed in love and fairytails. I never wished for the perfect guy to just sweep me off my feet and confess his undenying love for me. I wasn't a sap for love stories, or dream boys, but then again why was this happening to me? That unfamilar queeziness, that beating feeling in my stomach, that thing that makes my cheeks flush bright red whenever something sweet is said to me.

I couldn't control it no matter how practical and logical I tried to think of the situation that got me ten feet underground with no escape. I was inlove. But I was inlove with a complete stranger. 


10 months earlier

"Hey girl, where have you been I've been calling you all morning." My new friend Triss greeted me as I walked through the doors of my new school, Arizona high. It was my second week and I was trying to keep a low profile but it was kind of hard seeing as my only friend was the most popular girl in school. 

"I literally woke up like 10 mins ago and ran to school, it's a horrible habbit." 

That I will personally never change. 

Sleep was the most thing I treasured in this world, apart from my limbs. 

" How do you even have time to get ready? I mean, I wake up at 6 o'clock every morning! I  need thirty minutes to straighten my hair, five to wash my face and brush my teeth and around fourty to fix my make up. But before that I take twenty to do a face treatment. That's why I look this good every day." She said back with a flick of her hair.

I mean she wasn't conceded, I guess she was just confident.

I started to think about my morning routine of rushing down the stairs with my toothbrush still in my mouth, my shirt on backwards and my hair formed like a birds nest. So I just smiled back and complimented her on how great she looked.

"Thanks, I know right."

Okay, maybe a little conceded.

" I wish I could get ready in five minutes and look as good as you."

Was that a compliment? To me? The reason why I am so surprised is because everybody is scared of Triss and she rarely has anything nice to say to anyone. Not that I think I am a troll or anything, but compared to her I basically am one. 

I heard that once in junior high she cut a girl's pony tail because she didn't like the way it swayed from left to right and she didn't like her split ends because she claimed they were ' a crime against hair'. If I heard it as a rumour I probably wouldn't have believed it, but Triss told me herself. The girl ended up moving schools and getting a restraining order against Triss claiming she was a psycho. Apparantly she has changed since then, now that she's ,matured but I am still petrified of her and  I'm not scared of anything but this girl is an exception.

"So, tell me Letisha.." 

"You can call me Letti." I interjected.

"Letti, where have you been hiding  all recess and lunch I haven't even had the chance to introduce you to the group they are starting to think that you don't even exist." She laughed.

"Sometimes I just wish I was invisible, I've just been trying to find my way around, still my second week you know?"

"Yeah, yeah. Well, today after class meet me at my locker so that you can mingle with my people, I am sure you will love them. They're awsome. Well you might not like Andy she stinks like fish but other than that, you will like them I am sure of it."

"I'm sure I will. Sometimes when you get use to a smell so much it seems almost natural to smell it."

She looked at me with the most disgusted expression so I added in, "But who likes the smell of fish right?"

"Right. Anyways bitch, I'm off gotta meet Noah for a little make out sesh before class."Before I knew it I was staring at the back of her big blond head as I watched her walk off, her perfect body swaying from side to side. She really was a barbie. I always wondered why these rich popular girls went to public schools, was it just so they can be at the top of the food chain?

The truth is all these lunch times I had just been hanging out in the library studying my ass off so that I could earn my scholarship to one of the most elite schools, Saint Kevins. Only the brightest and smartest students go there, and I was just one year away from getting a new ticket out of state schools and into a school that would present me with more opportunity. 

 I was in the middle of my thoughts when suddenly I found myself face planting the ground, right ontop of some chewed up gum. This week was starting off with a pretty shitty kick and I found myself stuck in a very sticky situation; and it wasn't  the gum. I rolled over and a guy was standing infront of me, well he looked like he was standing on top of me but you get what I mean. 

He looked really smuck, he had his arms crossed over his chest, his eye brows raised so high they were almost touching his hair line and he had the most sedistic smirk plastered on his stupid face.

"Well, the least you can do is apologize!" I said annoyed with his rudeness.

"The least you can do is get out of my way while I'm walking. Honestly, I don't think I have ever met such a clutz in my life."

"A clutz? You pushed me, you psycho!" I said as I made my way off the ground and found my self looking at him straight in the eye. One thing I hated about high school was the rude boys that thought they owned it. I was getting a good look at him now, what a waste of  a great face. He was average height with messy light brown hair, he had emerald green eyes and perfect full lips, and a pole shoved up his ass.

"You shouldn't have been standing there." He merely replied.

"Whatever." I said starting to walk away untill he caught me by the arms and turned me around.

"Well aren't you going to apologize?"

Was he actually fucking kidding me right now?

I raised my eyebrow looking down at his arm, signalling for him to let go. " You've already  assaulted me once to the floor, now let go of my arm before I get even."

I was getting nasty but this guy was a grade A asshole with a serious attitude problem. 

He let go of my arm reluctantly, "Stay out of my way next time." He was dangerously close to my face, to the point where I could smell the honey scent of his breath.

Such sweet breath for such a foul mouth. He walked away from me only to meet faces with Triss. 

Nice to meet you too, Noah.
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