Chapter 23

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Thankyou to those that have continued on reading this book and have been patient in the long process of completing this book it truly means alot to have your support!

Finally the chapter we have all been waiting for... Letti's date with Christain!!!


Take a deep breath.

One, two, three. Inhale. Exhale. 

Just open the door.

No seriously open the bloody door!

I should really relax it's just a date and it's not my first so why am I freaking out like this?

I was infront of the door basically contemplating on whether or not to open the door and go through with this date.

"Are you going to open it or what?" Noah called out from the top of the stairs.

"Noah what are you still doing here you creep?"

" I was going to use the front door, not feeling the window." He winked, " Plus I just really want to witness this."He laughed.

"Go back upstairs I don't want him to see you here." I replied dryly.

"Ashamed of me princess?"

"If I said yes would you get lost?"


I groaned not having the patience for Noah and his shit right now because I was already freaking out as it was. 

"Noah, please just jump out the window and leave me be just for tonight." I pleaded.

"Encouraging suicide? I didn't think you were that cruel." He said with his hand on his heart like he was hurt.

The door bell rang again and now I had no choice but to answer the door.

I went to go turn the door knob when Noah interrupted me. "Wait, Letti hold on."

"Noah you have ten seconds before I open this door." I cried impatiently.

Sliding from the top of the stairs Noah found his way infront of my face. "Wow okay, now you have five seconds." I teased trying not to sound too amused.

Noah put one hand on each side of my hips and pulled me closer to him, he brought one hand up to my face to pull a strand of hair back and behind my ears. Placing his hand back to my side Noah slammed me gently across the front door his face coming closer to mine. I was breathless with each movement Noah made. Noah's lips lingered near mine for  a while until I couldn't take it any longer. 

"Are you going to kiss me or what?" I asked before I could take it back.

"So feisty." He replied, "I knew that you wanted it." He winked.

I closed my eyes ready in anticipation for the kiss when suddenly the warm air that surrounded me was no more and the feel of Noah's touch on my body was gone with it.

I opened my eyes to find Noah back at the bottom of the stairs with a satisfied look on his face. "Think about that whilst you're on this date princess." With that being said I heard a final knock at the door and I went to turn around and open it. 

"Sorry, I didn't hear the bell ring." I said swinging the door open. 

Christain stood there with  a red rose in his hand and I had to admit it he looked more handsome than ever and suddenly my thoughts of Noah were gone for  a while and I could focus on the gorgeous boy standing in front of me.

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