Chapter 21

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The events of last night seemed to enter my dreams as I saw Ashton's face haunting me and cursing me with the cruel words of last night. He was right about one thing though, I was an orphan and no body wanted me and I was a burden to my aunt and everybody around me. 

I often wondered why I attracted so much trouble in my life and why it followed me everywhere I went. Why I had to always be the one to face my troubles and deal with them all on my own. From when I was young and after my mother passed away I have had to take care of myself and no one really had my back, I had my own. 

I would notice that I would always be there for others but nobody would be there for me in return. I don't mean to sound like I want to be pitied because I hated it when people acted all sympathetic towards me, but all I wanted was someone to lean on from time to time.

"Letti, wake up. Wake up!" The sound of  a male voice entered my thoughtless dreams. 

I opened my eyes and the smell of chocolate cologne filled my nose and the comfort of  a scented pillow soon followed after that as I realized I wasn't in my room.

I found Noah staring at me with a sad look in his eyes, he looked very worried but I didn't understand why.

"What are you doing in my room?" I asked stupidly when I realized this was his room, and that would explain the smell of men that filled the room.

"Darling, princess.... you're in my room." He smiled but it didn't reach his eyes as the worried look was still plastered on his perfect face.

"I knew that." I replied akwardly, "I'm sorry I must have fallen asleep last night. Thank you by the way I really didn't want to be alone last night. I don't want you to think these sleepovers are going to become a habbit." I said trying to reassure myself more than I was trying to warn him.

"I know that. Are you ready to tell me what happened last night?" He asked brushing a loose strand of hair out of my face.

Suddenly I became really self conscious, my hair must have been a total mess at that moment and my mascarra has probably turned me into a panda and gross, did I have morning breath? I often wondered why girls never took notice of that in the books I read and the movies I watched. And I would always find it weird how a couple could start kissing as soon as they woke up, it's one thing to smell another person's breath in the morning and it's a whole other level to taste it. I know it's totally gross to over analyse it, but it is so true!

I straightened up my posture and put a hand over my mouth, " Nothing, you don't need to worry about it." I mumbeled my hand covering my mouth it would be a surprise if he actually heard anything.

"You do realize I don't understand a word that you're saying?" He laughed, "Get your hand off your mouth." 

"No, I can't." I mumbled again, I knew that my breath didn't really stink that bad but a girl couldn't take her chances this was real life it wasn't a movie where I would wake up looking perfect and my breath would smell like fairy floss.

I wouldn't risk gasing this poor boy. 

Noah took me by surprise when he jumped onto of me me each leg on either side of my body as his hands made their way to my face. "Either get your hands off your face or I'll do it by force." He had a satisfied smirk plastered on his face.

I shook my head my hand still covering my mouth. "Mmm" I winced.

Noah had no trouble in moving my hands away from my face and I couldn't help but smile when he did. 

"See that's the beautiful smile I should have woken up to." He said with a grin.

Noah was so sweet to me all of a sudden and after last night absolutely everything changed because of the way he treated me with such tenderness, I would truly call him a friend now as opposed to before when I called him unpleasant company.

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