Chapter 14

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I basically stared at the back of Noah's head for the remainder of the class wondering what on Earth 'Jordan's group' meant and why it was so important for me to know in order to be able to judge Christain's character.

Was he apart of some gang ? Was he apart of some British marfia? I had no clue but all I knew was that I needed to find out who this Jordan guy was.

The bell sounded and Noah was quick to slip out of class but I needed to find him before I had to make it to the station to identify those assholes that stormed into my house.

"Noah, please just wait!" I called out to him as he made it obvious that he was trying to get away from me.

"Yes, Letti? Can I help you?" He asked signalling his head to the right where  a bunch of roughed up white guys were standing. 

"I need you to tell me who-?" I began but he cut me off.

"Where the library is? Here, it'll be easier if I walk you." 

"That's not-" I began but he took my arm and dragged me away from the group of guys that were staring at us with amused exprssions.

"What the hell Noah?" I exclaimed,

"No, not what the hell Noah! What the hell Letti? You want to demand to know who Jordan's group is infront of the man himself and the group? Have you lost your mind?!" He demanded.

"Well, how was I suppose to know it was them. And what the hell they look like white gangsters? How can they even attend this school they look bloody thirty!" 

"That's your boyfriend's gang." 

"Oh my gosh so Christain is in a gang?" I asked shocked.

"No more like a group that is just plain trouble." 

"How are you best friends with someone that's part of a group like that Noah? I mean it doesn't surprise me seeing as you're not exactly an angel. How is Christain friends with a group like that? He is the nicest guy on the planet." I began but I was interrupted by Noah's scoff. "What?" I asked.

"The nicest guy on the planet? Maybe, when he wants something." He sneered.

"What do you mean?" I asked.

"He isn't as nice as you think." Was all he had to say to that.

"What do you mean Noah? I am not following!" I said frustrated now.

"You'll soon find out without hearing from me."

"Why can't you just tell me." I rolled my eyes, "I mean you claim that you don't want to see me get hurt or dissapointed then why the hell won't you just explain to me what Jordan's group does?" I said angry at his lack of honestly.

"Because I was once part of Jordan's group okay!! I am sworn to secrecy. I just can't tell you." 

"You? Why am I not surprised? Just tell me Noah or stop wasting my time. I'll ask Christain myself." I said beginning to walk away.

"No, wait! It's just a group but they're trouble, I once thought it was cool to be apart of them. They would take you the most poshed up cities and they would take you into the stores and the job was to steal the most valuable thing you find without getting caught."

"So they're thieves?" 

"It's more than that kind of stuff that's just your test to get into the group, they would then move onto stealing cars, purse snatching and it gets worse after that." He paused, "I left before it got worse because they would break into people's homes.." 

My mind traced back to the home invasion that occured a few nights ago. It suddenly dawned on me, those familiar faces! They were from school, from Jordan's group it had to be them!

"Noah, are you trying to say." I paused as tears glistened in my eyes, "Those guys that were in my house are from the same group that Christain is in?" I asked trying to fight back my sobs.


"And Christain must have known about it?" I asked,


My mind began to race and I was thinking of all these possibilities when a thought sprung to my head and I began to shiver now scared at the possibility, "And you knew about it?" I asked him.


I stared at him and utter disbelief how could he be apart of something so cruel and unethical. How could he break the law like that and do that to me? Was that the only reason he wanted this friendship? So that he could screw around with my head? Was this some new girl inititation and welcoming to the school?

This was one fucked up school.

"Stay the hell away from me. You understand that?" I spat.

"Letti, you don't understand. I heard about it the minute it happened and I went to stop it. I'm no longer in that group anymore. I was trying to protect you!" 

"Protect me? How? By lying and saying that you were on your roof and you saw it happen? Or by pretending to be some hero and saving me? "

"You have this all wrong! I am not the bad guy here." 

"Well, it really does seem like you are Noah." I said as a tear slipped down my face.

"Please, just let's go sit down and let me explain everything to you. You need to understand this. I was trying to warn you from the start without scaring you, you need to see that. I know my ways were brutal, harsh and mean but it was all out of a kind heart. I heard that they were targetting 'the new pretty girl in school' and I just felt the need to protect you from what they were doing you have to believe me." 

"How can I believe someone that was a liar right from the beginning?How do I know that Christain is the bad guy and it isn't you? " I exclaimed

"How can you still trust him after all I have said to you? After my whole explanation and confession you just go back to thinking that Christain is some fucking Angel. He isn't a good guy. He is burried so deep with that group he just can't dig his way out! And he is dragging you down with him." 

"Well, I guess I'll ask him tomorrow on our date." I said immediately wanting to take it back noticing how dense I probably sounded right about then.

"You're still going to go?" He looked at me with worry in his eyes.

"I want him to explain it to me himself."

"What if the date is apart of the group's idea?"

"Then I guess I'll have to find out. I'm a big girl, Noah I can handle myself." 

"You don't know what you're getting yourself into!" He exclaimed.

"I have to go." I said trying to put an end to the conversation.

"Yeah, well I'm coming." Noah said, "You're going to the police station and I also have a statement to give." 

"How did you know that I was going?" I asked shocked.

"Your aunt told my mother and she rang me and told me to make sure you don't go alone." 

"Fine, whatever." I said walking in the direction of my locker to grab my school bag. Noah followed behind me already having his bag slung across his shoulder.

"Let's go identify these fuckers." Noah said as we began to walk out of school.


Bit of a short one this time but next chapter will be longer ! :) PLEASE COMMENT AND VOTE :)

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