Chapter 8

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I was really dreading going shopping this afternoon but knowing Triss this would be anything but broring. I just really wished I could have maintained this low profile plan that I was so keen on going through the year with.

It becomes so hard once you get close with people and then a day comes where you have to say goodbye and never see them again.However maybe this time it would be different, I mean my aunt has a stable job and I have applied for work at the diner so we shouldn't have to move anymore, right?

"Hey there stranger, have we met?" Someone greeted me as I was walking  past.

"I don't think so." I said back to the beefed up jock now standing in my way.

"It's funny, I could have sworn I've seen you before." He said looking me up and down.

"We go to the same school, that's probably it." I replied back,"excuse me" I said pushing past him.

He grabbed my arm gently," No wait, wait I still haven't put my finger on it yet. Just stand right there babe and let me have  a good look at you." He persisted.

"I really have to go."

"No, you don't."

I was running out of patience.

"Look asshole. You better move out of my way before I make you regret the minute you even tried to speak with me."

I obviously didn't scare him off the littlest bit because all he did in response was throw his head back and errupt with laughter.

"Is that so?You and what army?"

"You heard the girl, fuck off." Noah came out of nowhere and said."Unless you want to say 'make me' and you should know that I would be glad to Archie." 

"Come on Noah, I was just trying to talk to the pretty girl, she took it the wrong way man."

"Noah, I can defend myself." I complained rolling my eyes.

"Just shut up and let me handle this." He paused, "You can go now Archie."

Archie walked away and I was left standing there awkwardly with Noah. "You didn't have to do that I was handling it."

"Trust me princess he would not have left you alone if I didn't intervene."

"What's the worse he could have done? We're on school property, in a crowded locker room." I said looking around when Noah looked from side to side and I realized the only two people standing in the locker room were him and I. "Oh, right. I see. What are you doing here anyway?" I asked curious as to why he happened to be at the wrong place at the right time.

"I may be bipolar but you have the memory of a fish. I told you I was going to meet you here, so we can officially start over and I can walk you home."

"But I have already told you before, I am not a dog in need of walking. And anyways, Triss and I are going shopping now so I won't even be going home."

"Blow her off." He replied instantly.

"And why would I do that? To walk home with you?" 

"You know this starting over thing goes both ways princess, you need to put some effort into this."

"I didn't sign of for this." I said back in a mocking tone.

"Suit yourself but I will see you tomorrow morning for our walk."

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