Chapter 2

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I guess I shouldn't have been surprised that Triss's boyfriend would be Noah. Bitchy girls loved rude guys because that meant they could create drama out of anything and I was willing to put big money that Triss loved her share of drama. 

But how can a guy knock over a girl without the simplest of apologies? 

Suddenly I was knocked over again but this time I managed to balance myself so that I didn't collide in with the ground. 

"Hey, I'm sorry are you okay?" A husky male voice asked me.

I looked through the curtain of my hair to find a cute surfer kind of boy staring at me with a worried look on his face. 

"Yes, yes I am fine." I said slightly annoyed at having this happen for the second time in the last twenty minutes.

"Well maybe I can help you with your books as a way of apologizing, I really wasn't looking where I was going." Okay, not a surfer boy but an English boy, with an accent.

I started to giggle at his voice. Not that I had found it funny, but that I found it so charming.

"Something funny princess?" He questioned me with an arched eyebrow.

"No, I'm sorry. I like your accent though." I simply remarked.

"Yes, well I guess I have Britain to blame for that one. I moved here a year ago. But quite frankly I am much embarassed to say that I have not noticed you in school."

That would have stung if it weren't my second week.

"I guess that's because I'm new here. Only started last week."

"Oh yes, that explains quite alot." He said grabbing my books off my arm and holding them firmly against his chest.,

"What do you think you're doing?" I asked him with a serious expression.

"Taking on the deed of carrying your books to your next class as a way of showing you my absolute and  most genuine aplologies."

"That's not necessary, really you're forgiven."

He merely smiled at me and looked down at my books  and said " Sociology... well you're in luck. I have that now as well."

Great. A friend.

More like a distration. 

We made it to class and I took a seat at the front as I usually did and the sound of a table being dragged on the ground caught my attention as I found this new british stranger pulling his table closer to mine.

"Hey again." He said with a wink.

I rolled my eyes in response trying not to show how strangely funny I found the situation.

"So Letisha."

"It's Letti." 

"Letti," He began before I interjected.

"Wait, how do you know my name?"

"It was written on your book." 

"Right, okay." I didn't know what I thought of this new character.

I wasn't sure whether I found him pleasant or pleasantly annoying.

"I'm Christian by the way in case you were wondering."

"No, I give little care for Religion. If I wanted to know what religion you were, well I wouldn't because I don't care. What makes you think I would wonder that anyways? Do I look like someone who simply cares about someones general beliefs of the world?"

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