Chapter 26

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Hello my faithful readers :) I was sitting here thinking that I didn't want to make you guys wait another week for the next chapter because felt bad for not updating as usual as I use to so I have decided to give you another chapter...TODAY :)

Please don't forget to comment your thoughts because I do read them all and reply to most of them they help me by directing me in terms of my writing.  I love to know what you guys think !

Here we go !


I stood there not understanding what the hell went down today. I was still in the same spot in front of mine and Noah's locker. Dumbfounded and upset but most of all disappointed that Noah had believed all the lies that came out of that horrible English boy's mouth.

I felt dirty even though I did none of those things he supposedly said I did.

I was now labelled as a slut in the new school I tried so hard to keep myself on the D L in (down low.) And the one thing I didn't do was go down anywhere near Christain.


I suddenly felt like I was the worst judge of character ever.  How could I not see through his lies and his whole act. He really was too good to be true.

But Noah was the one that warned me about him, telling me that he isn't that great of a guy so how could he eat all the lies up like a peice of cake?

If I wasn't going yo defend myself then who would?


But I really did need to fend for myself.

I yanked my bag over my shoulder and slammed my locker door shut.

" Wow somebody is a little agro today." Christian said coming in from out the blue.

It happened out of nowhere and before I could analyse the situation my fist went flying making contact with his nose.

"I smell a rat. But after this you won't smell a thing." I spat.

"You bitch you broke my nose. " He said grabbing his nose in his two hands.

"Next time you won't be so lucky ! How dare you make up filthy lies about me when we both know that we didn't even get to kiss. You have turned all my friends and most of the school against me because you can't get any. Do you get off on lies and made up fantasies of me? "

I realized that a large crowd now circulated around us.

"Punch him again!"

"Kick him in the balls."

"Make out !"

"Lucky? You broke my fucking nose you dumb slut!" Christian said straightening his posture. 

"She's not a slut !" Noah's voice came in from behind me.

"Noah?" Was all I could say at the sight of him.

"She's an innocent girl and she doesn't deserve your bullshit. Leave her alone actually better yet admitt to everyone that it's all lies and do it now. "

"Noah I don't need you to fight my battles." I complained ignoring the audience around us all.

"I'd fight for you even if you didn't need me to."

"That's all realy sweet and all." Christian began. "But Letti and I both know the truth about what happened in the back of my car. We had a great time. Windows were steaming and she loved it."

"I swear I've heard this story before." A girl said coming out from the crowd. " I know this story because you made the same one up about me."

"And me." Another girl said.

"Me as well."

"Well there you have it folks the bug is caught up in a web and a family of spiders are about to get their catch. What do you have to say for yourself?" Noah chimed in.

"Not guilty asshole."

And there is was again another fist flew but this time it was not my own, it was Noah's.

"My nose!" Christian screamed.

The way things played out next weren't the same as how it went when I punched Christian.  Because this time Christain leaped onto Noah and started throwing punches of his own.

Noah was now ontop of Christain holding his arms down over his head. " I don't want to fight you. Calm the fuck down."

"You punched me first!" Christain called out.

"Sook !" Triss called out now entering between the crowd. "Sorry I couldn't have been here sooner babe just noticed the commotion." She said putting a hand on my shoulder.

"It's okay.  I don't want them to hurt each other though."

"You mean you don't want Noah to get hurt."

When I looked down at the ground Triss smiled.

" I can see the electricity." She added nudging me in the arm.

"Okay I'm calm get off of me." Christain cried.

As soon as Noah went to withdraw his arms, another arm flew and it was Christain's this time as the figh

t started again.

It was horrific and there was blood flying everywhere.

"Guys break it up , please !" I said kneeling down on the floor near the two boys. But in response to my efforts a fist made contact with my face but it wasn't Christain who delivered the blow it was Noah. 

Suddenly all the noise was turned into silence as the crowd stopped hollering and were now horrified.

I got of the ground bringing a hand to my eye that was already starting to swell.

"Letti, I didn't mean it." Noah began getting off the ground.

" Stay away from me, the both of you."

I ran out the door and I ran the whole way home getting as farther away from the scene as possible. 


Okay so it's a little short because it's a teaser chapter :)

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