Chapter 13

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So it was either Noah was the biggest and most insenstive jerk on the planet or he had been dropped too many times as a child and now he is just well..... I got to say it, fucked up. I always was one to stick to the first impressions someone makes on me, so he was doomed from the beginning in my books. Sure, Triss was a bitch, she knew it herself but no one really deserved to be treated the way she was by Noah, even if she did claim not to care.

I really needed to get out of this social group of drama and boys. I needed a clean slate again which is funny seeing as I'm in the middle of the first few months at this school. 

"Hello, gorgeous. Care to take a stroll?" Christain came out of nowhere and asked.

"If by a stroll you mean one to my next class, then sure." 

"I was thinking maybe we ditch class and head out?" He suggested.

"As much as I could use  a break, I hate skipping school. I don't have it in me." I tried to cover up my craving for knowledge.

"Oh come on sweetheart, what sort of  a man would I be if I didn't corrupt you hey?" He winked.

I started to think, what harm would skipping one class do to me but then I remembered all the hard work and effort I had been putting in these past few years and realized that it wasn't worth a few hours of blissful thinking with this British sex god. Plus, we have our date tomorrow anyways.

"I can't Christain, I'll see you tomorrow anyways for our 'thing'." I smiled.

"Almost forgot about that.?" He said looking away.

Wow, how could he forget?

"I'm only kidding, I couldn't forget even if I tried.Now stop with the long face, I  would hate for someone to jump on your back because they thought you were a horse." He laughed.

"Did you really just subliminally call me a horse face?"

"Well, what are you going to do about it?" I teased.

"Oh if you knew you would run, sweetheart." 

"Oh would I now." I replied flirtaciously.

"Will you two move, some people want to get to class instead of lurking about outside of it, playing who can salvitate the most by looking at th other. And believe me looking at you too leaves me high and dry." Noah said pushing his way through the both of us.

"Noah, mate what's going on with you these past few weeks? You really haven't been yourself." Christain asked concerned.

"Please, like you care." Noah spat.

"You're my best mate ofcourse I care."

Noah rolled his eyes in response and added, " I'm not in the mood for any games so leave me out of this one Christain."

"Nothing wrong with a little fun and games. Just because you can't handle it." Christain had a sudden change in attitude.

"What you're playing at is sick." 

"It's not sick if it's genuine." Christain defended himself.

"You don't have a genuine bone in your body since you started hanging out with Jordan's group."

"Come on guys, just break it up." I finally intervened.

What did he mean Jordan's group?

Noah took a seat in class but he kept eye balling me, I felt like he was expecting me to say something to him.

"What was that all about?" I finally asked Christain.

"Nothing you need to worry about."

"What's wrong with Jordan's group?" I asked again.

"Noah thinks they're troublesome. I don't." He replied bluntly.

"What about the games, what's all that about?" 

"Just stop asking Letti! I can't bloody tell you. It's none of your concern just ignore what you heard." He raised his voice and it was the first time that he seemed tempered.

"Why are you yelling at me? I'm only curious." I winced.

"I'm sorry, I was irritated with Noah and I took it out on you." He suddenly changed back to himself.

"It's fine."

"I'll let you go to class, Mr Heart is on his way but tomorrow at seven don't forget." He said walking away.

I went and took a seat in the only spare seat in class, right behind the famous Noah.

He turned around in his seat and just as he was about to speak I cut him off, "You don't have the right to speak to me anymore Noah."

"Please, Letti. Just hear me out."

"I am done with your mood swings you're worse than Taylor Swift on her period holding a guitar." I spat.

He began to laugh which was then followed by my own laughter. I couldn't believe I was basically laughing at my own joke. 

When I finally pulled myself together I added, "This doesn't change things Noah."

"Yes, it does because what I said back there was stupid and I'm sorry. Let me make it up to you please? I want to prove to you that I can be a good friend all I need is the chance to do that."

"Why should I let you be friends with me anyways?"

"Because Letti, I don't want to see that look of disappointment on your face whenever your near me, it kills me. I care about you a lot and that's a very rare thing to happen to me. I care for your safety and for your feelings even thought I've proven show otherwise. I just want to be able to make sure you're okay  and having you hate me would make that a hell lot harder."

"Why do you care so much about me anyways Noah? You barely know me."

"I know you more in that little time we spent together more than I know my closest of friends. I know you simply by the way you speak and the way you act, the way you move. Especially the way you fall asleep, like something is after you, I can tell that you're scared of something out there in the world and I would make it my own life mission to make sure that you slay your deamons and nothing bad can get to you. I confess this to you, because I want to be there for you and I want to show you that I am worthy of your friendship. Why? Because I got you. I have your back."

At first I was taken back by what he said about me falling asleeo until I remembered the other night and how he was over. I was amazed by the way he sounded like he cared so much. I was speechless, but I had to say something.

"Noah, I-I don't know what to say."

"Say you'll give me another chance at your friendsip." He pleaded.

"Okay, one more chance but that is it." 

"Fine, done." He said, going back to his plain self. "But Letti, one thing. You can't be with Christain."

"And why is that?" I asked, "You were the one who encouraged me to give the guy a chance.

"I was wrong. You can't trust him."

"Give me a real reason."

"Ask around about Jordan's group and you will get your answer." Was all he had to say before turning around and having Mr Heart call an end to all conersations in class.

I really needed to find out about Jordan's group and I needed to do it before my date with Christain tomorrow.


Kind of short, but next one will be longer!  Please vote and comment!!

Please read SmurfStomper's book 'My Savior' :)

Read the boy is mine by me if you haven't yet :)

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