Chapter 7

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So this is like the tenth time I start this chapter again because my internet would keep refreshing itself.

Here it goes again...


It was two minutes till lunch time and I could not wait to get out of this class. I was starving and in the mood for something that would actually made me full instead of all the carb-less meals I had been eating lately. Apparently my aunt didn't believe in anything that would actually make a person full we had sushi like every night and before you say it I know rice is carbs but it isn't deep fried and smothered in chocolate is all I'm saying.

I made my way out of class and found Triss waiting for me and it looked like she was waiting a while.

"So little bitch I was thinking that as a way of truly welcoming you into our friendship group that we could go shopping, just us girls after school. Well, all of us excpept for Andy because like I said she stinks like fish, or wait maybe we can take her with us and buy her a life time supply of deoderant to tame that wild stench."

I laughed at her cruelty even though I knew it was totally mean, "I didn't smell fish around the group when I was sitting with you guys yesterday." I tried to defend the poor girl.

"Her legs were probably closed for once." She said with a disgusted expression on her face like she could smell her just thinking about it.

"But really what do you say? We could get you a new look" She added.

"What's wrong with the look I have now?" I asked a little offended.

"Nothing babe, you're hot! But what you need is something that can hug your curves a little more, those loose jeans just don't make the cut."

"I like these jeans." I said back.

"Well, apparently they don't like you. Sorry bitch true honesty. I know I'm a good friend and you can thank me later when boys are hanging off your every limb" She said with a flick  of her hair.

I didn't really have a choice in the matter apparently so I just nodded in response. We made it to the cafeteria as Triss lead me to the same spot we were seated at the other day only there was a couple already seated there.

"What do you think you're doing?" Triss demanded with her arms crossed over her chest.

"Having lunch?" The girl said back.

"I can see that, I'm not stupid, but what are you doing in our spot?" She asked

"Come on Triss we can find another spot." I suggested steering her away from the seat.

" They can't just sit wherever they want, there are rules."

"Actually they can, who cares lets get our lunch and sit outside." 

"So my hair can get stuck in my lipgloss? No thanks. Oh wait there's Noah let's join him." She walked away before I could protest.

I walked after her dragging my feet behind me, reluctantly going in the direction where Noah was seated but as soon as I was going to reach them a body appeared infront of me.

"Hey have you thought about what I said earlier?" Christain said coming out of nowhere.

"Crap I totally forgot but Triss wants to take me shopping with the girls after school, I kind of already made plans." A look of disappointment spread across his face but  he was quick to recover.

"That's cool, some other time right?" He asked.

"Definitely." I smiled back.

"It's a date?" He said taking my hand and leading me to the table. 

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