Chapter 20

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Hey guys so for this chapter it's back to Letti's P.O.V ! 

Hope you enjoy it :) I would really love to know what you guys are thinking of the book so far and if you have any recommendations, likes, or dislikes ! I would love to know your thoughts on the characters and the plot and how the book is going so far in general so please comment and let me know all those things! Thank you so much for your support and thank you for making it this far!!

Here it goes!


A shiver ran down my spine as I slowly turned around. What did he want? What was he doing here and how did he know where I lived?

"I know what you're thinking." He began.

"That you're a psychopath?" I spat at him anger flaring through my every bone. 

"Besides that, but this talk we are about to have is long over due." He began before I cut him off.

"Long over due, baby it's history. I have nothing to say to you and I sure as hell don't want to hear anything that comes out of your slimy, treacherous and conniving mouth. Get the fuck out." I yelled pointing towards the door. 

He stood up and just as I thought he was going to make his way out the door he walked up to me and grabbed my arm violently.

"Look here you little bitch, you are going to sit the fuck down and you are going to listen to me. Or else I will make you regret the day you ever walked into my life." He said as I looked into his eyes and witnessed the anger and violence that followed the truth of his poisonous words. 

"I already regret that day." I muttered under my breath but he seemed to have heard it.

"Well, unless you want another reason to regret it, I suggest you do as I say." 

"What do you want Ashton? We're over." I replied bluntly.

"You really think I have come here for you?" He scoffed, " you think I have come here for us? I regret the day I had any type of relations with you. You ruined my family and you are the reason my life went to shit. I hate you with all the hate in my heart."

"Oh now Ashton are you really going to convince me that you have a heart now. You child molesting pedophile." I said raging with anger.

"You wanted me even more than I wanted you, you little slut."

"You tried to make me feel safe around you and give me the impression that you were a trustworthy and honest kind of guy but we both know now that that's all an act you put on to lure young girls like me into your sticky molestering cage. I am not going to lie and say that what happened between us ruined me on any level. I am not going to say that the lies and betral left a mark on me. Because really they didn't. They made me stronger and they made me aware that some guys out there, guys like you are absolute scum and that I shouldn't even give them the time of day. And as for you, you're ass should be thrown in prison and you should be a registered child molester after you lied and said you were someone that you reall weren't. Nineteen? Really? What are you thirty now, the vile in my throat rises just thinking about your putrid lying face." I needed to say all of that and get it off my chest this guy once made me feel secure and I felt like I could trust him and to find out that he wasn't at all who he said he was and the fact that he had a family appauled and disgusted me and he had to know that!

All of a sudden Ashton threw his head back and started laughing. "Throw me in jail. Sweetheart you and what lawyer? Or better yet you and what father? You know seeing as one of your parents are rotting in the ground and the other one is too shit faced to even remember that you're his daughter! You think your drunk father is going to help you 'throw me in jail' or make me a registered child molester. Darling you really do have no one, and what are you doing right now? Being your aunt's little charity case... when will you get the hint and realize that nobody wants you? Your mother would have rather died than to fight and stay on this earth with you, your father can not stand the site of you and here you are now, poor little Letti." He began pausing to laugh again, " I have been watching you for weeks Letti, watching you go and come from school and go to that diner in your slutty little uniform. I know now where you live and where you go and that's why you are going to do exactly what I say or else trouble will follow you every step you make for the rest of your miserable orphan life." 

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