Chapter 3

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It was finally the end of the day and my plan of going past unnoticed was really going down the drain.I had made friends with the most popular girl in school, the hottest guy in school and made enemies with a boy I probably should stay right away from. I guess the plans I make never really go to plan so I should be use to it. But nothing should get in the way of me and my scholarship to be, no matter what my connections were at this new school.

"Hello princess fancy meeting you here." Christian said as he came from behind me and gave me a light hug which I found to be random and kind of weird.

"Well, you know this is my locker. What are the odds?" I said with a laugh.

" May the odds ever be in your favour." He said back.

"Hunger Games fan much?" 

"Just a little," He laughed, " anyways where are you from ? I never got to ask. Your tanned skin tells me you're from the beach."

"From the beach? You say it like it's an actual place." I teased.

"I know I am horrible with places I mean I only moved here last year and the only place I really know is Arizona and that's because I live here now." He laughed.

"My mother is Mexican and my father is African american. So I guess I am a mixture." 

"A tanned girl with blue eyes, you are very unique." He added.

"Thank you. Look I have to go, but I am sure I will see you tomorrow." I said to him, trying to find a fast exit out of this conversation before he asks me about my family.

"Sure, see you tomorrow princess." 

I liked to take on the habit of walking home from school everyday and going for a run as soon as I got the chance to put my school bag down. See, after my mother died and my father became abusive I would resort to comfort food and that went on for about a year, I felt like I had gained a lot of weight so I vowed to stay fit and strong and never let anything get me down and make me weak. 

My aunt had texted me the new address to where we would be living now that we had moved to put more disctance between us and my father. My stuff would be taken to this new house and that would be our new home. My aunt insisted on picking me up incase I got lost but I knew I could handle myself. I whipped out my phone and found the address and put it into my GPS and I began to follow the trail. I was five minutes from my house when the sound of foot steps behind me grew near. I had thought someone was following me from school but I was too afraid to turn around but I knew I had to do it sooner or later especially now that we were less than a foot apart. 

I turned around with the most speed that I could gather only to colide with the one and only Noah. 

"What is your deal?" He asked as I basically bumped noses with him.

"My deal? What the hell is yours? Why the hell are you stalking me?" I accused him. " You were basically hopping on my back asking for  a piggy back, at least be subtle, jeez."

"First off, I wasn't following you I live in this area and second of all you walk to slow." 

"Well if that's the problem at least say excuse me and make your way past, you obviously have no manners what so ever. First off all you push me at school and ask me to aplogize and then freak the shit out of me and think it's all cool. Well guess what ? It's not." I said as I turned around and started stalking back on the route of the gps.

"I'm sorry." Noah called back in a quiet voice that wouldn't have been heard if I didn't have such impecable hearing.

"You're what?" I needed to hear it again just so that I could cause another dint in his ego and pride.

"I said, I'm sorry for scaring you." He paused, " you looked kind of lost and you were following that tracker on your phone and I was actually going to ask if you needed directions." 

Was he for real? And how did he know that I was following my gps? Who cares though right? He apologized.

"It's okay, and I'm fine I can find my own way." 

I turned around again and started to walk when I found Noah at my side walking with me.

"So where did you move from?" He asked.

"We really don't have to do the whole small talk thing, I am totally okay with walking in silence." 

"No really, I'm interested." 

"I lived up in the country for a part of my life and then moved to the city and now I'm here." 

"You don't look like you're from the country, I mean you're not..." He began.


He had a sour look on his face like he regretted even starting this conversation.

"No, it's okay. I come from a mexican-african-american background so it's okay to question it." 

"And from where did the blue eyes come from?" He asked intrigued.

"Luck, I guess." I said back with a smile. "Anyways, I think this is me." I said pointing to a big house surrounded by a white fence.

"You think? " He laughed.

"Only just moved here today, that's why." I said back.

"Well that's me over there," he said pointing to the house adjacent to mine. 

Well what did I expect it was a small town.

"Guess we're kind of neighbours then aren't we?" I asked scared of what his response might be.

" I guess we are." 


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