Chapter 24

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Hello chickens I missed you all ! I know it's been a week and I'm really sorry but I want to thank you all again for staying interested in my small book :)

I actually wrote this chapter a few days ago but I just realised that I had forgotten to click publish and turns out I just saved it!

I hope you guys leave your thoughts in the comments as usual and even message me any suggestions that you have ! Likes and dislikes :)


I kept on wondering what would have happened if aunt May and Noah hadn't opened the door. I wondered if we would have kissed and I also wondered what the kiss would be like.

Would it have been soft and tender or rough and hungry?  Maybe gentle and sweet?

But I guess I would never know seeing as both mine and Christian's chance of kissing eachother was blown. But did I really want the kiss to be with Christian?

I mean at the start of the night I was anticipating a kiss from Noah and now I was thinking about kissing Christain. What sort of an eye candy slut had I become?

A knock on the door interrupted my thoughts.

" I'm sleeping!" I called out hoping that whoever was at the door would just leave.

" Are you in deep sleep or about to fall asleep?" Noah's voice sounded.

"Deep sleep, I'm dreaming and everything. " I groaned.

" Then I'll just become part of your dream." He snickered.

I shot up and was now seated up on my bed. " The last thing I want Noah is to see you in my dreams."

"Yes because girls don't have wet dreams and you don't want to be the first." He winked.

" You revolt me." I spat.

"Now, now I know for a fact that you don't mean that. How was your date?"

" None of your business." I shot back.

"That bad huh?"

"As a matter of fact it was the most perfect of dates."

" Did you guys eat ice cream?" He asked randomly.

" No. Why?"

"Then it mustn't have been that perfect. No date is complete without ice cream."

"Whatever Noah. What would you know about a perfect date." I didn't know what was up with Noah one minute he was hot and the next he was cold. But then again I wasn't the brightest ray of sunshine either.

" I would know a lot. But that doesn't matter, I for one always get a goodnight kiss in the end. Did Christain get one?"

"Well you interrupted it so you know the answer to that question. "

"And I bet that he didn't answer any of your questions."

"How would you know?"

"Because I know hin and the kind of guy he is." He answered his eyes lighting up with every word he said. Noah was so sure about what he was talking about that it scared me.

" He told me he left the group. " I replied sheepishly.

" It doesn't change the things that he has already done." Noah spat, angry with me for being so stubborn about this.

" Noah this is my life and I'm going to live it the way I choose to. If you would like to stick around and be my friends through it all by all means have a seat and enjoy the ride but if you are going to sit there all the time and judge me and my actions well you know where both the front door and the window is."

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