Chapter 15

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We walked over to the police station and lucky for us it was only a fifteen minute walk. Noah and I walked in complete silence, however there were a lot of times where he would attempt to start a conversation and I would shut him up by expressing the extent to which I didn't give a shit.

"Why are you acting this was towards me I have done nothing wrong to you Letti!" He finally exclaimed.  He seemed to have been bottling that all up for a long time.

"You knew about it and you just let me walk right into it. For someone that's trying to be my friend you're doing a pretty shit job at it."

"I already explained to you that I knew about it a minute before it happened."

"How did you find out about it?" I asked curiously.

"Ask your boy Christain." Was all he said back.

"So Christain warned you?"


"So that means he knew about it before it happened." I asked more to myself than anything.

"He found out they were targeting you and he called me straight away because he knew we were neighbours."

"I just can't believe it."

"Better start believing it princess."

"Just shut your stupid face up Noah. You're the reason I'm in this mess."

"Me? What did I do? It was all your boyfriend! I have done nothing but protect you. Why do you refuse to believe that I'm the good guy in all of this?" He sneered.

"Because Noah, you're not a good guy."

"I may act out but please don't judge me before you really know me. I act like a tough guy but I'm a softy on the inside."

I rolled my eyes in response as we walked into the station.

"Well, if they targetted me what do you think they wanted?" I asked Noah when the front desk of th police station was empty was empty.

"They just do it for fun, either to scare you or just  take things on their way out."

"Have you ever done it?" I asked wanting to know how far he took being with that group.

"I don't want to answer that."

"So you have. How can you live with yourself?" I spat.

"I can't okay. I lose sleep at night thinking about the guy I use to be. I'm not that guy anymore so stop judging me every five seconds without even looking close enough at me."

Before I could respond an officer came out from behind the desk, " Well Letti I wish I could say it's good to see you again. But nobody wants that being said to them after experiencing a night like you did last night."

"You got that right." I said back playing with my hair.

"We just need to take you to the interview room to talk about the events that occurred last night and then you can identify the criminals."

"Excuse me if you don't mind me asking, but why do I need to identify them seeing as you caught them last night? And I only saw one of them after Noah unmasked him."

"It's just standard procedure Miss. Do you have a gurdian here with you that can be present during your interview?" He asked looking behind me only to find Noah.

"No, my aunt is at work and she couldn't make it. But Noah was there when it happened and he caught the bad men." I said disappointed that my aunt couldn't make it.

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