Chapter #9

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Evelyn went to school in her girl uniform the next day, which she was tired for.

Again she was screaming in the night. Daniel still couldn't do anything. Paul still tried his best, but nothing.

Evelyn showed up 20 minutes late to class.

"Evelyn. First time to be late for class. Take your seat." Mr. Kay told her.

She slowly made her way to her seat. She was so tried that she ended up falling asleep in class too.

"Evelyn. Are you asleep?" Yuma asked.

Evelyn slowly looked up.

"I was. I think. What time is it?" She asked.

"Lunch. You okay?"

"Just tired. Nothing I can't handle." She said.

"Are you sure you're okay?"

"Why does everybody ask me that!? I'm fine!"

"Evelyn, you're not." Yuma said.

"Huh." She said softly.

"It's okay to not be okay. Your mom's in the hospital, your having a rough time with your brother, and Kite."

"I am okay. So stop asking me if I am." She said sternly, packing up her stuff, then left.


Paul was nice enough to pack Evelyn a lunch. But she didn't eat it.

She hasn't eaten in days. Plus no sleep. Not good.

Astrid could sense this.

"It feels like Evelyn is extra tried and weak today. More then yesterday. And the day before." She said to herself.

She left the key, and appeared beside Evelyn.

"Why aren't you eating?" Astrid asks.

"Because, I don't want to."

"That isn't the reason. Talk to me Evelyn." She demanded.

"I don't deserve to eat anything."

"Don't be stupid. Why would you think that?"

"Because, I put so much stress on mom and made whatever's wrong with her worst and put her in the hospital. I blame Daniel, then duelling. I wish I never started duelling."

"Evelyn, you don't mean that. Now you need to eat something. Eat what Paul made you. A nice sandwich." She said nicely.

Evelyn looked up at her, and she nodded. Evelyn picked up half a sandwich. She looked at it, then took a small bite. Astrid smiled. Evelyn kept taking small bites. Soon it was gone.

"Do you feel better?" Astrid asked.

"Surprisingly, yes. A bit."

"Good. I'm glad." She smiled.

It was time for class now, so Evelyn headed to class. She didn't even fall asleep. Though she wanted to. Then duel period. Like always she stood by the wall, but this time she sat down. Astrid was still around.

Later she walked home with Astrid. Neither Paul or Daniel were home. She was happy. But she went to her room to work on homework.

"Evelyn, aren't you going to go see your mother?" Astrid asked.

"I-I will."

"Evelyn, what happened wasn't your fault."

"You don't know that!"

"Neither do you."

She didn't say anything. She got up.

"Where are your going?"

"To the hospital."

The Life She Never Wanted #3 (Yu-Gi-Oh! Zexal)Where stories live. Discover now