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AAndrews added everyone to the group chat We All Hella Gay Fam

JJBlossom: first

Don't bother Betty

BettsCooper: at least I'm not a weirdo who stares at his phone waiting for the group chat notification

JJBlossom: ouch

MantleReg: babe shes right

You haven't given me a blowjob in a week

KevKeller: what the actual fuck

I'm gay AF but I don't need to be reading this while I'm in class! Its bad enough I'm reading Johnlock smut to pass the time

BettsCooper: reading smut in class is the best

I do it all the time!

r0nniel0dge: thats weird

KevKeller: its a lifestyle I'm willing to deal with

AAndrews: guys we have a serious problem

And Josie this is your fault

JosieM: why

All I did was introduce you

AAndrews: mmhmmm

But she asked me out!

JuggieJones: hold up


r0nniel0dge: yeah what


AAndrews: Valerie asked me out on a date

And I was making it clear I wasn't interested

r0nniel0dge: wait

She asked you out? Hey, free dinner

AAndrews: but I love Jughead

BettsCooper: awwwwww

r0nniel0dge: but you love food

AAndrews: seriously though how do I get out of this?

She's waiting in the music room for an answer

KevKeller: simple

Tell her you like pickles not tacos

CherylBombshell: omg

No, don't say that. You guys need to realize girls are hella sensitive about being rejected. Just explain you have a boyfriend , are really gay and that's it

AAndrews: ok I can do that




AAndrews: it worked

And she wants to be my friend because I'm gay and thinks I like shopping and shit

JuggieJones: well you did spend an hour picking one shirt out

Just saying

BettsCooper: lmao seriously

MantleReg: JJ's the same way

We went to Tommy Hilfiger and he spent over three hours deciding what to get. He ended up buying a belt!

JJBlossom: its a really nice belt

My pants haven't fallen in three weeks!

JuggieJones: do your pants usually fall down Jason?

CherylBombshell: I can't believe we're related

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