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AAndrews created a group chat

AAndrews added JuggieJones, BetsCooper, and r0nniel0dge to the group chat

JuggieJones: what is this

AAndrews: I decided to make a group chat so we can all talk

JuggieJones: why? U just started talking to me again today

AAndrews: we have a new student and I met her today and hopefully she responds

JuggieJones: ofc this is about a girl

r0nniel0dge: hii

BetsCooper: hey Veronica remember me? From Pop's?

r0nniel0dge: yeah I do! Blonde ponytail

BetsCooper: yup. Thats me

AAndrews: hey Ronnie! I wanted to introduce you to my friends but I didnt get the chance to at school so...

r0nniel0dge: no problem Archiekins I get it

Star football player gets busy

JuggieJones: hey, I'm Jughead Jones

r0nniel0dge: Jughead? Is that a nickname or something

JuggieJones: unfortunately not, my dads an asshole

r0nniel0dge: well, nice to meet u

BetsCooper: Jughead I had no idea u and Archie were friends again

Thats really nice

JuggieJones: yeah he's an angel

AAndrews: anywayys I think we should all meet up at Pops later

I have a game today but u are all invited to watch if that's ok

BetsCooper: well Ronnie and I are cheerleaders so we'll be there

AAndrews: oh really? thats great

Jughead, u coming?

JuggieJones: oh yeah, I love the football

AAndrews: awesome! See u then

AAndrews has left the chat

JuggieJones: does no one understand sarcasm anymore?


Hey guys I'm back. I took a break to focus more on college and its my last week of sophomore year so I decided since I have months to chill I'd write this just for fun


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