Chapter 3

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I put on my school shoes. Mom was really mad that I skipped school yesterday. My aunt says she'll be discharged tomorrow, so I have to go to the hospital again later.

But I have another reason why I'll go there.

Before I left yesterday, I accompanied Jungkook back to his room. I realized, the people in his ward were old people. So he barely had someone to talk to. That's why he was really happy when he met me.

I asked my mom if I could stay again with my aunt tonight. She said yes, but I should go to school tomorrow. Tomorrow is friday.

I grabbed my backpack and went outside. I walked to school and passed by the swarm of students inside the building. This school is really big that I don't know most of the kids here.

I went to my locker and left some of my books. I looked at my wristwatch and saw it was still 20 mins before classes start.

I closed my locker door and locked it with my key. I walked away and decided to walk to my first class.


I turned abruptly when a hand tapped my shoulder and a deep voice spoke behind me. I saw a guy, taller than me. He was lean, but still muscular. He has brown hair and had deep expressive eyes. I recognized him.

"You dropped your key." He said and held out my key. I looked at it and patted my pockets.

"Thanks." I said and grabbed it. He smiled at me and I was about to turn away when he tapped me again.

"Name?" He asked. I blinked twice.

"Soomin." I said.

"Taehyung." He said and held out his hand. I looked at it and slowly lent out mine and shook his hand. I knew it. I often hear his name and a lot of girls like him. His hand was really big and was really warm. I remembered Jungkook's, which was really cold.

Thinking of Jungkook made me want to go to him more eagerly. For some reason, I wanted to be with him.

"Nice meeting you. I have to go now. Bye." I said and turned on my heels and walked away from him.

After a few paces, I sensed someone was following me. I looked behind me and saw Taehyung just a few steps behind me. I walked faster until I reached the door of my classroom.

I saw him again walking closer towards me. I decided to confront him.

"Are you following me?" I glared at him when he was in front of me. He smirked and looked down.

"No. This is my room. I'm new here. Well, I got kicked out from the other class so I transferred here." He said and winked. I blinked twice in surprise and felt my cheeks grew hot from embarrassment. I can't believe I accused him of following me. I looked at the other room beside mine and guessed that was his old room, cause the girls there were gawking at him and I hear them screaming for their teacher to bring him back. This guy must be a troublemaker.

"S-Sorry." I said and paced quickly towards my seat and slumped my shoulders on my desk. I closed my eyes and felt the desk beside me move. I peeked and saw Taehyung slumping lazily on his chair and putting a lollipop in his mouth.

I scanned the room quickly, hoping to see an empty seat so I can force him to move to save myself from embarrassment but realized there was none. I sighed in defeat put my head down on the desk.

I heard Taehyung's deep voice talking to someone who seems to be arguing with him.

To my curiousity, I peeked through my shoulders and saw a very handsome guy. He's really tall, and has wide shoulders. He was glaring down at Taehyung who was giggling like crazy. I immediately recognized him. He's Kim Seokjin. The most handsome boy in our college department. What the hell was he doing here?

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