Chapter 29

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"I can't believe she hid this from me." Soomin said as we sat down in the living room.

It was midnight and we just finished cleaning up the remains fromand the party. I insisted to let Yoongi hyung stay since he wasn't in the right mind to make a rational decision at the moment.

"That makes two of us." Yoongi said as he walked towards us and took a seat on the ottoman.

"What?" Soomin asked confused.

"She told me we had a kid. But she never let me see him up until now. I'm guessing the kid doesn't even know I'm his father." His words became sounded like he was in pain, especially when he said the last part.

"She has a reason why she hid him. Jimin will get mad." I said. Soomin was still looking at us confused. She must be thinking why would he be mad.

"You should go to sleep love, I know you're tired. We'll talk about this tomorrow. Everyone will be here." I assured her. She nodded even if she didn't want to agree. She sensed that we had things to talk about that she wasn't supposed to know yet.

"I'll go check on Seohee first." She said then walked back to our rooms.

"It's all my fault. I made her go away. I let her struggle alone raising the kid. I told her I'd fix everything. But I was a coward. I couldn't tell Jimin. Now she has a reason to keep the kid away from me." Yoongi said and my eyes widened when he started to cry.

"I-I wanted to be there. But I didn't know what to do." He said.

That was the first time I saw Yoongi hyung cry after a few years when he knew I was diagnosed with cancer. Which made me realize he was in too much pain. And he couldn't bear it anymore.

"If she wasn't his sister it would be easy." He said.

Stupid rule. I completely forgot why we made it in the first place but we had a deal to never break a rule. It was our bond of brothers. We can't break a brother. And the only way not to do that is to not break a rule.

This was one rule that to me, weighed lesser than the others. But I could see how it weighed to Yoongi hyung. As if he was carrying the whole weight of it on his shoulders. And he can't keep holding on for too long.

He needs someone to help him.

"Look we'll try to fix everything hyung okay? I won't leave you alone in this. You're not alone hyung. You have us." I said and I motioned the last words to the rooms where my wife and daughter was sleeping in.

He sighed looking like he was relieved but not happy at my resolve. He couldn't bear to be happy. He can't be happy alone.

"You know the kid looks a lot like you." I said trying to comfort him.

"I didn't realize." He said with a tone of surprise. And he sort of looked amused too.

"He also talks like you. He thinks like you too. I can't see any Sooyun in that kid." I said seeming surprised at my own observations.

"He talked to you?" He asked. There was envy in his eyes. Envy because I got a chance to talk to his son and he didn't.

"For a moment. He was explaining something like he wants to give the present to Seohee himself and wouldn't give it to me since I wasn't the one who was celebrating today." I said and a memory of the fair white small boy clutching a pink present flashed to my mind.

"What did he give her?" He asked. I could sense he was trying to know more about his son but what could I tell? I barely know him myself.

"Seohee said he gave her a charm bracelet. It has little pink hearts on it and also a handwritten note that says happy birthday. Seohee mentioned to me that the kid said that he picked the bracelet and wrote the note himself." I said.

"That's cute." He mumbled to himself but I heard him.

"Yeah I guess it is." I said and I felt a bit sour though I didn't know why.

"Do you know his name?" He asked looking hopeful. I shook my head. He nodded seeming to understand and yawned.

"Get some sleep hyung. You don't mind the couch do you?" I asked. He shook his head and lied down  closing his eyes. Yoongi has a talent of falling asleep at will.

I heaved a huge breath. It really was a long day and I felt tired.

Yawning, I went back to the room Soomin and I shared. I saw her sleeping peacefully on the bed and I smiled in content.

Climbing on the mattress, I gave her a soft kiss on her forehead and drifted to sleep.


"Okay. I can see we all needed to talk. But we can't start without Sooyun." Namjoon hyung said as we sat down in the living room awkwardly. Mainly because Jimin was glaring at Yoongi hyung and he was aware of it but didn't mind.

"I'm going to mur-"

"Okay Seohee, it's grown up talking time. Why don't you go play in your room?" Soomin suggested and eyeing Jimin with annoyance. Jimin looked at her apologetically but there wasn't any sign of regret.

"But Mommy I'm alone in my room. Can uncle Seokjin play with me?" Seohee asked and Seokjin hyung looked at her and smiled.

He was about to say yes when the door opened.

Sooyun came in with a worried expression when she saw the amount of people in the room, while holding the small hands of the little mini Yoongi.

"Can he play with me instead?" Seohee asked us with a huge grin and pointed to the boy.

"If it's alright." I said. Sooyun nodded since she didn't want her son to hear our conversation too.

"Yay! Come on Yoonjae!" Seohee ran towards the boy and dragged him in her room. We all sat still when we heard his name.

"You named him Yoonjae?" Yoongi managed to choke out.

"He reminded me a lot of you." Sooyun admitted.

"This is stupid Sooyun! How can you keep this from me!? And how can you be with him!?" Jimin yelled at his sister who was still frozen standing at the door.

"I kept this from you because I knew you'd react like this!" Sooyun yelled back.

"What do you expect? That I'd be happy for you?" Jimin looked at her disapprovingly. Sooyun looked down.

"You should be. You're my brother. You were supposed to help me. I was alone Jimin. Yoongi didn't try to help me because he knew you'd hate him. Do you know what it felt? To be left alone?" Sooyun glared at her brother who noticed the weight of her words.

"I'm only trying to protect you." Jimin answered.

"From who? Yoongi?" Sooyun glared at Jimin.

"Guys let's just settle things. What's wrong Jimin? Why are you so against her? Against Yoongi hyung? You couldn't trust your own brother?" Namjoon looked at Jimin who huffed.

"Just accept it Jimin. We can't do anything about it anymore." Seokjin said softly. Jimin's face became red and her stormed out of the room.

"Jimin wait!" Sooyun called out but before we could move a muscle, Soomin became limp and fainted.

I watched with wide eyes as Yoongi hyung who was closest to her caught her before she could crash on the floor.

"Soomin!" Sooyun screamed and ran towards her bestfriend who was unconscious.

I ran towards her and was beginning to get sick. She wasn't waking up.

That's when we ran her to the hospital.

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