Chapter 5

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I walked back to Jungkook's room. I clutched the plastic bag closely to my chest.

I opened the door and my eyes where in shock to see Jungkook awake and his face was in pain.

"Jungkook!" I screamed and ran to him. He was paler and he was clutching his stomach. I quickly pushed the button to call a nurse and seconds later, two male and one female nurses came in.

"Ma'am I think you should go outside for a moment." The male nurse said hastily and I felt tears in my eyes when Jungkook screamed in pain when he was injected by a syringe.

I didn't want to leave. I wanted to stay. But I had no choice. I went out of the room and slumped down on the cold floor.

I don't know what to do. I don't know what happened. I just wanted him to be fine. I wanted him to be okay.

I can't call his friends since I don't even have their numbers. I closed my eyes. I didn't care if people were passing by me. A few minutes later, Jungkook's doctor came in the room. I stood up and peeked inside. I saw Jungkook cradling himself, and crying.

Minutes later, he was taken outside of the room.

"Where are you taking him?" I asked full of worry. He tried to raise his head to look in my direction but I saw he couldn't.

"We're going to take him for a CAT scan." Was all the nurse said and they quickly pushed his bed. I followed and realized someone was behind me.

I turned around and saw a black haired guy. He looked worried too and his headphones were on his neck.

"Is that Jungkook?" He asked me. He was worried and annoyed at the same time.

"Yes. Are you his friend?" I asked and he nodded. His forehead was creased now and he pulled out his phone. We were in front of the Radiology room.

He nodded and walked away from me to talk to someone on the phone. His voice was low and rough and he spoke really quick.

I sat down on one of the chairs in the waiting area. I sighed and fought back tears. It hurt. It hurt to see him like that.

"Apparently you already know Taehyung and the rest. I'm Yoongi." I flinched when the black haired guy talked to me. I didn't even realize he was in front of me.

"What happened to him?" I asked without thinking. He sighed then sat down, one chair away from me.

"This is the 6th time this happened this month. We don't know what to do with him." He said. Even if he has a tough image and he looked cold, I sensed he really cared for Jungkook too.

I closed my eyes. We were both quiet for a minute. Minutes later, the door opened and they were pushing out Jungkook, who was unconscious. My heart skipped a beat and I panicked then I realized he was still breathing.

We followed them as they took him to his room again. They replaced his needle again and the nurses left, and the doctor went in.

"Yoongi. I'm glad to see you again." The doctor said. I was shocked and felt sad. Jungkook was staying here too long that even the doctor remembers his friends who visited often.

"It's the same thing. His cancer is beginning to spread. But we may have found a solution. It's not going to heal him completely in an instant, but it will slow down his cancer cells from spreading. And hopefully, it will really heal him." The doctor said. I breathed sigh of relief.

"Do whatever it takes to save him. Please." Yoongi almost begged. I stared at him as he was fighting back tears.

"Yes. Of course." The doctor said and went out. I heard Jungkook whimper when Yoongi covered him with a blanket. He was still in pain. I can feel that. But he was fighting.

"Hyung what happened." Jimin burst in the room along with Taehyung, who eyed me first, then Hoseok, Seokjin, and a tall guy who I quickly noticed as Kim Namjoon who is a college student.

"Let's talk." Yoongi said. I realized they needed to be left alone for a minute. They all stepped out of the room and I was left with Jungkook, who was heavily breathing while he was sleeping.

I walked closer to him and placed my hands on his. I was shocked when he woke up. His eyelids half opened and he smirked faintly.

"Pabo. You promised you'll be here when I wake up." He whispered not having the strength to speak loudly.

"I am here." I said and I shivered when his hands rubbed mine.

"How do I know that I'm not dreaming?" He asked. I realized he's confused and unsure if he's awake.

"You're not." I assured him and softly pinched his nose.

"Then why do I feel like I'm in heaven with you?" He asked. I blushed and he blinked twice.

"I'd stay awake just to see you blush like that for me." He said realizing he was awake but not wanting to admit it. I chuckled.

"Then stay awake." I almost begged.

"I will. As long as you're here, I'll stay." He said and unexpectedly tightened the grip on my hands.

I smiled and later again, he drifted to sleep. But when I was going to stand up, he tightened his grip again. He wasn't letting me go.

Minutes later, his friends went in the room. They stopped short when they saw me sittinv down beside the bed, Jungkook's hands wrapped on mine.

"Are you, together?" Taehyung's voice cracked. I shook my head quickly.

"N-No." I said. We're not yet together but we have these feelings for each other that we can't explain if it's love or we just like each other.

"I'll grab dinner." Seokjin said and dragged Namjoon out of the room who was dazed then happily followed Seokjin.

"Sit here." Hoseok said to me and happily patted the seat beside him on the couch. Taehyung was slumped against the wall and Yoongi, was on the floor. Wtf.

I was about to stand again when Jungkook gripped tighter. Hoseok saw what happened and he smiled teasing me.

"He won't let me go." I whined. I imagine Jungkook smirking right now teasing me.

Unexpectedly, Taehyung groaned and he went out of the room. All of us, even Yoongi who raised his head to peek at Taehyung was confused.

What the heck is that for?

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