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"I can't believe you are actually here. How?" Erica purred and engulfed Ninas scent as she embraced her. Nina smiled soft with a small hum of approval.

"All will be explained in time darling. just know I'm here, and I promise you, I'm not leaving you again..okay?" Nina promised and stroked Ericas cheek. Erica smiled and nodded her head.

"I just.. God, baby.. I'm so happy to see you.. I thought I would never see you again." Erica whined and nuzzled Ninas neck. Nina chuckled.

"Now you should know, I will always fight for you.. I love you.." Nina stated Confidently, Erica smiled and held Ninas small frame close to her body.

"I love you too.. " Erica whispered sweetly. Derek frowned as he watched the two from the doorway that led to his and Stiles' Room. he cleared his throat and crossed his arms. His eyed narrowed. Erica squeaked and pulled away from Nina. she looked at Derek and bit her lip.

"Erica.. Whos this?" Derek demanded. Nina chuckled and stepped forward .

"Easy big pimpin, I'm not a threat.. I'm a friend" Nina stated confident and laced Her and Ericas fingers together. Derek scoffed and walked closer to them causing them both to step back.

"I'll be the judge of that. Now I'm going to ask again" Derek paused. he heard both girls heartbeats accelerate and he smirked.

"Erica... Who is this?" He continued.. Erica gulped.

"Her name is Nina Menendez.. She's a hybrid.. Half wolf.. half vampire.. She was being held hostage by the Alphas.. she was in Beacon looking for you.. to help fight the Alphas, but they captured her.. I escaped... had to leave her behind.. But now.. " Erica trailed off and gave Ninas hand a squeeze. Derek scoffed.

"You're under watch.. both of you. its been to long Erica.. I can't just let you walk back in my pack without trials.. Understand? " Derek murmured as he glared at the two. Erica sighed but nodded her head. Nina did the same but kept eye contact with the Alpha. Derek raised his eyebrow and started to make a comment but was cut off by Stiles .

"Derek?! Can you come here please" Stiles called from the other room. Derek clenched his jaw and pointed his finger at the two girls. He turned on his heels and went to his mates side.

"Derek, Take Thalia to her bed please she fell asleep" Stiles said softly with a smile. Derek smirked and nodded, he picked his 6 year old up bridal Style and carried her to her bed. he layed her down and covered her up, he kissed her head and stroked her cheek with a sigh.

"I'll protect you always princess... you, your brother and Stiles... I'll keep you safe even if it costs me my life..." Derek trailed off and stood. He walked to the living room hall way and looked out at Erica and Nina. He crossed his arms and growled lowly. "I'll do what I have to for our children"

*Book 3. :) Comment and vote. you know the deal*

3:The Alphas Child - For Our ChildrenWhere stories live. Discover now