Band Pictures

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So, tonight, we had to go to the school for band to get our band pictures taken, so by default, we got to wear our uniforms. They are FABULOUS, EVEN if they are the old ones we will only wear for another week or so. I had my friend, Icefire2442 take this picture for me.

Thanks, friend!

Plus, after she took the first one, I decided it was creepy and told her to take another one of me not smiling. At that exact moment, Jackson, one of the drum majors, walks by and says, "Don't smile."

Of course, I totally didn't smile!

Those gauntlets were really itchy, though. I adjusted them about every two seconds because it felt really professional. Sadly, we didn't wear our shakos or plumes. Though, we do get our new uniforms in about two weeks, for the first football game... so I'm excited.

As you can tell by the picture, our uniforms are perfectly symmetrical. Oh, look, a random hanger on the side...

Love the uniforms, and the new ones will be even better!

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