Stuff Band People Say #4

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I really have too many of these. Band kids have a lot to say.

Note: When I refer to someone as 'Random Trumpet Player' or anything along the lines of that, I am not referring to the same person every time. I just forgot who it was.


Jackson: (calling role) Trent?

Trent: Hiya Daddy!


Nic Shier: (calling role, not necessarily in correct order or including everybody or even most people because I'm forgetful and sometimes don't really care) Anna?

Me: Alive for now.

Band Kids On The Bus: (snicker)

Nic Shier: Collin?

Collin: Officially dead inside.

Nic Shier: Katrina?

Katrina: Barely alive.

Nic Shier: Villarreal?

Jacob Villarreal (or however it's spelt): Chandelier.


Announcer: (during the BISD Marching Festival that happened 10/14/17) Here's a Shout Out from the Centennial trumpet section to the flute section: We wish we were as good as you!

Me: (laughs) I bet a flute sent that.


Same Announcer At The Same Marching Festival: Here's a Shout Out from the Centennial Pit Crew to the Centennial Pit Crew: You are the best pit crew ever and we appreciate you guys so much!


Me: You are officially on my murder list.

Parker: [laughing emoji] It's called a hit list.


Amber: Can we do this, I think we can.... HA!

Everybody: AY!

Parker: Amber, you are raping his trumpet.


Jackson: (calling role) Nic?

Nic Shier: Photosynthesis!


Me: Oh, look, there's a box. Hey box!

Katrina: What the hell is wrong with you?!

Mr. Cheripka: Calm down, tiger.


Band: (plays fight song)

Mr. Cheripka: (after we finish) You guys did a great job. That was a good run through. And our school mascot even came to watch.

(There is a hawk flying in the sky.)

Random Trumpet Player: We summoned a hawk.


Arlo: If you're a saxophone and you're not pregnant by the end of Neck, Wrecking Crew, or Shout It Out, you're doing it wrong.


Me: That one guy has his pumpkin on a leash, but he's not even dragging it around right now. He's just carrying it.


(Six balloons fly from the stands during the homecoming Monday pep rally)

Random Trumpet Player: Pennywise got six more!


Parker: (stealing my food)

Me: Parker!

Parker: Anna, you should know by now that you can't have food in the band hall and NOT give it to me.


Parker: (trying to take Katrina's ponytail off with one finger.)

Katrina: (whirled around and starts facially emphasising her annoyance because we're on silent bus)

Parker: (holds up one hand with index finger and thumb arched and touching)

Me: (pokes index finger through Parker's fingers)

Parker: (tightens fingers around my index finger) Anna, are you raping me?

Me: (snorts) No.

Katrina: (snickering) A little edgy there.

Parker: Um, Anna, does Trent know about this?

Me: No.


(Again, skipping people. A lot of people.)

Nic Shier: (calling role)

Most People: Here.

Nic Shier: Anna?

Me: Wasting space.

Parker: True, though.

Nice Shier: Katrina?

Katrina: Immigraphically centered.

Trent and Jacob Redford: What?

Nic Shier: Collin?

Collin: Dead inside.

Me: You said that last time.

Collin: I know.

Nic Shier: Trent?

Trent: You know it!

Parker: Wish we didn't.

Nic: I'M here... Villarreal?

Jacob Villarreal: Engineer.


Some Random Band Guy: (to Arlo) You look like a sexy terrorist.


Katrina: (random guy walks by) This, my friend, is exhibit A of what a trench coat looks like.

Guy In Trench Coat: For your information, it's called an overcoat. (Walks away) Learn your male outer garments!

Katrina: I don't have to, I'm not a male!

Me: Whatever, close enough.

Katrina: It's close.

Guy In Trench Coat: (comes back like five minutes later) Often worn by petty officers.


Me: (thinks for a moment and completely forgets what band directors are called) Where are the band dudes?


Jordan: Yeah, a turkey flew into my house once. We ended up shooting it, then we put it in a bag and gave it to an animal facility to fix. He's okay now, he's their problem now.


Band Female Person: Why were you practicing at 6:30 in the morning?

Jordan: Because the entire neighborhood was asleep.


Time for the next one.

Your favorite flutist, author, and obedient servant,


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