I Know I Have Always Been A True Marching Band Kid Because....

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When I was little, I was quite practical, imaginative, and creative. I would make up games to play based off of movies or books I liked and I had do much fun. The th ing that always fascinated me was the flute. When I went to a certain petting farm for the first time, and rather than buying a stuffed animal at the gift shop, I got a wooden flute. Next year, I got the stuffed animal, but only because I already had the flute. I may not have been able to make noise on it, but I had the instrument.

One day, for absolutely no reason, I made up a very repetitive song out of boredom and 'marched' around the kitchen while humming it and holding my hand up like I was holding a baton. It may have been more like stomping, but at least I tried.

Every year, at my elementary school, we had a Sugar Daddy Donut Day, where dads came up to the school with their kids and everybody hung out and had donuts. After that was over, the kids went to the cafeteria/auditorium. Kindergarten through second was in the cafeteria and third to fifth was sent to the auditorium. There were only three people when I got there, so I went around and asked everybody if they wanted to do a parade. So we walked around the auditorium several times, until we got yelled at by the art teacher (who, by the way, nearly got fired for cussing out a kid). It was great.

Also, I figured out how to blow into my flute to make noise at least two weeks before everyone else in the entire 24 kid class. I was the best for most of the year.

So tell me what shows that you've always been a marching band kid at heart. I'm interested to hear!

Your favorite flutist, author, and obedient servant,


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