Stuff Band People Say #1

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This isn't stuff people say in general; this is what people I know actually said. Each different chapter like this will have a maximum of twenty conversations/lines.


Me: (has Sour Patch Kids in hand)

Parker: That's cute. (Shows his full bigger bag of SPK)


Mr. Cheripka: Anybody have any questions? Peart.

Trent: (asks some question)

Mr. Cheripka: (just looks at him for a split second) Trent, you're adorable.

Trent: Thank you.


Jackson: Hey, no food in the band hall!

Me: What about that pizza from freshman night?

Jackson: (walks out of the room. Comes back five minutes later with candy)

Me: That's what I thought.


Parker: Get your crap together!

Me: (gestures to myself, like, what?)

Parker: No, not you. Katrina. You're hopeless.


Mrs. Chang: Saxophones, you tongue like sixth graders!


Mr. Cheripka: Football game, Friday. It's a home game. Say yay.

Class: Yay!

Mr. Cheripka: Oh, that was better than the last two classes.

Jackson: (very weakly) Yay.


Collin: (over the phone) I could get weed, I just choose not to.


Mr. Cheripka: I would really like to be teacher of the week again too, drill team. I was super touched last time. And the free t-shirt was awesome. So if we could maybe make that happen again....


Icefire2442 : What's the worst four word insult you can think of?

Me: Your marching band sucks.


Parker: Are those the sweatpants I think they are? If so, they are beautiful.

(Insert female oboe/alto sax player here. Name will not be disclosed): They are.

Parker: Yes! Ravenclaw!

Me: See, I'm very indecisive on my house. Pottermore says I'm a Ravenclaw-

Parker: You're a Slytherin.

Me: Oookay?


Parker: (while holding up all five fingers) For one of my dots, I stand on the four yard line! FOUR!

Me: .....Parker, that's five fingers.


Random Trumpet Player: Hey, Jackson, want a comb?


Parker: These two (Me and Katrina) perfectly convey my mood. This one (pointing to me) just said 'I'm hungry', and in biology, Katrina said, 'I give up'.


Entire Tenor and Bari sections plus Parker at football game: YOU CAN'T DO THAT! (*Stomp stomp stompstompstomp*) (basically on repeat forever, yelling at the ref)


Parker: (walks up to me and tries to steal M & M's)

Katrina: Parker! Stop stealing people's food!

Parker: (semi helpless shrug) Stop HAVING food!


Meagan (who's name I have been spelling wrong): (while we're running a lap) Meagan Whitner, on the field! GO BAND, GO!


Me: (just casually walking to my parent's car after school)

Parker: (walks up to me, stops, and smirks) Trent Peart, huh? (Walks away)


Me: I named my flute Trevor and my alto sax Barry.

Amber: Wait, you have an alto sax?

Me: Yee.

Amber: It's too late. You've joined the dark side!


Parker: (looks at Paige and slowly shakes head) Paige, go home and put on a Star Wars t-shirt.


Parker: Hey, Alyssa, what size shoe are you?

Alyssa: Eleven.

Parker: I should be fine then. Give me your shoe.

Alyssa: (Takes off heel and hands it to Parker)

Parker: (tries to put on shoe)

Megan (different Megan. Not a drum major): It doesn't fit.

Parker: Yeah, my toes are too big.


There's your list. That's the best I could remember from the top of my head without height advantaged flute friend.

Your favorite flutist, author, and obedient servant,


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