Chapter Eight

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AN: Sorry it has been a while.

Disclaimer: I do not own Dan nor do I own Phil.

Dan's Pov

When I awoke, it was to Marie poking me in the side, giggling happily. Phil was sat up, staring at the tv, and he seemed as content as he was able to be. Marie held her arms out to be hugged, and picked up.

" Well, hello there Marie, have you just got back from school?"

" Yeah! I paint you a picture."

She grabbed the picture of the floor, and shoved it into my hands enthusiastically. There was what seemed to be a house, and eight figures in front of it. I easily understood who they were meant to be, but I couldn't quite tell which was which.

" Look, this one is you." She said pointing to a brown blob with a smiley face. 

" Is that Phil next to me?"

" Yep. Then next to you on the other side is me and Ivy, and Mum and Dad. On Phil's other side, that's Pj and Chris."

" It's a beautiful drawing Marie."

" Thanks." 

She crawled off my lap, and went and sat on Phil's, cuddling up to him. His arms automatically wrapped around her and she snuggled into his chest.

" Is Philly okay?" She asked, a hint of concern glinting in her emerald eyes.

" He will be eventually."

" Good." She whispered, snuggling into him, and closing her eyes peacefully.

I left the sofa, and went to speak with Phil's parents who were in the kitchen drinking some tea.

" Ah, hello Dan. Come and take a seat."

I took one, and sipped at a cup of tea that Mr Lester passed me. I sipped once more before they began talking.

" How are you Dan?" Mrs Lester asked.

" I'm good thank you, and you?"

" I'm good, we both are."

I nodded.

" Right, we need to discuss a few things." Mr Lester said.

" Yeah, I knew that we were going to need to."

" Okay then. Right, we emailed your mother, and she is bring some of your things up, including your passport. I hope that's okay?"

" That's great."

" The flght has been booked for two weeks today, and the four of you are going, the other two being Pj and Chris."

" Right."

" The first appointment is three days after you arrive, because of the massive time difference. You need to make sure you have settled in some."

" Okay."

" Be careful in Australia won't you. We don't want you to be bitten by a snake or a spider or something."

" Don't worry, I'll take care of Phil."

" That's great, but you need to take care of yourself as well." Mr Lester said.

" I will, don't worry."

" Good lad."

" Pj, and Chris are coming for tea and spending the night as it is the weekend tomorrow. They want to get to know you."

" Okay."

I debated telling them about my dream, but decided against it. I knew it was real, but they might think that I had just dreamt it, or that I was crazy.  I didn't want them thinking that.

" Alright, I better clean up a bit then." I said finishing off the tea that I had idly been drinking for the past few minutes.

" Off you go then Honey."

I slipped upstairs, after carefully placing the cup in the sink. I changed into some black skinny jeans, and a hoodie, before slipping downstairs. I had given Phil's room a slight clean while I was up there, after having caused a bit of a mess last night.

There was a knock at the door, and with a shout from Mr Lester as a prompt, I answered it. Pj, and Chris were stood there happily. They both pulled me into a group hug, and although it was slightly unsettling, and I had not expected it, I embraced it.

When they finally pulled back, I beamed at them.

" How are you doing then?" Chris asked.

" Pretty good. I spent the day with Phil."

" Where is he?"

" He was falling to sleep on the sofa with Marie last I knew."

" Best leave him for a little while then."

We walked upstairs, and they dumped their bags.

" What are we planning on doing tonight then?" I asked curiously.

" So we are going to do a few things. We are going to do 20 questions, as it is the best way to get to know people, and you know, watch a lot of movies." Pj said.

" Great."

" But first...." Chris began.

" Tea!" Mr Lester shouted up the stairs.

We scurried down the stairs, eager to get some food, and after having skipped lunch, I was starving. It was chicken supreme for tea, and I eagerly ate every bit of it. Pj and Chris did the same, and it was eager steps that we made our way upstairs,

We sorted out the beds for the night, two, between the four of us, as I would be sharing with Phil, and Pj with Chris.

We made them into dens, perfect for watching movies in. We placed a stack by the tv in the room, and got the snacks ready.

" I'll get Phil." I said, when we were all in pyjamas.

I helped him upstairs, and he gave me as much cooperation as he was possibly able, and that made me glad that he was showing some sorts of life within him, even if he was unable to speak or properly manage things himself.

" Come on Phil." I whispered, hoisting him into my side, and keeping a grip on him so that he wouldn't fall over, or down the stairs.

We eventually made it to Phil's room, and the first DVD was on pause, waiting merely for Phil and I to get comfortable.

" Let the films commence." Chris cried.

The films did begin, and we ended up watching one after another for hours on end, occassionally munching at some of the food that we had brought up for the occassion.

By three in the morning, we decided that the 20 questions could wake until we were more awake, to avoid mumblings when none of us understood what we were actually doing.

" Night." We all bid each other.

I curled up in a tight ball with Phil enclosed within my arms. He was my soul mate, and the happiness I had about it was beyond belief, and yet I couldn't truly be happy until my soul mate was too.

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