Chapter Sixteen

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AN: I am so sorry it has been so long, but I got really sick. Not blah sick, but I was in the presence of three people within my family smoking at the same time, and I don't know, I must have enhaled it, I have been getting headaches, smelling smoke and having trouble breathing for a while.

Chapter Sixteen Dan's Pov

Phil was shaking. Pj and I were trying to reassure him as best as we could. He looked green, and couldn't stuttered any words at all. He was unaware of what was happening around him. I had my arms wrapped around him as Pj fiddled with the tips of his hair, soothing him.

" We are getting the plane back to Manchester in two hours." Chris informed us as he stepped in the room.

He too joined us sitting with Phil. He rubbed small circles on Phil's back as I hurriedly packed our things and Pj packed theirs. Chris was doing his best, but Phil was out of it. He was shaking, and his breath hitched in his throat, and none of us had any idea what to do.

" Come on Phil. We need to get to the airport." I whispered into his hair.

I helped the shaking Phil into the taxi, and he looked so uncomfortable. I was holding him as he sobbed. He wasn't alone though. He had me. He had Pj and Chris as well, but no more blood family.

" Phil, you are not alone. You have me, and I promise you that I will look after you, but as well as me, you have Chris and Pj."

" P-P-Pj, C-C-Chris, c-can you organise the funerals. i-I don't think I can."

" Of course we will Phil." Chris said pressing a kiss to Phil's head, as if he was his little brother.

" Thank you."

He continued crying as we got on the plane, trying his hardest not to sob. He was sat between Chris and I, and he had his face buried in my shoulder. The plane set off at a fast pace, and he continued to sob.

" Can someone shut that kid up!" A man shouted from the back.

" You shut up! His whole family had just died! What the fuck do you want him to feel?" Chris screamed, face red with fury.

Everyone else on the plane was muttering their fury at the unnamed man and their support for Chris was clear. The unnamed man fell silent, and everyone else did too.

Chris sat down, and Pj massaged his shoulders. His fury died down, and he collapsed inwardly to Pj. I understood what was going on. Chris and Pj must have known Mr and Mrs Lester so well, that they were like secondary parents to them.

" I've got you Phil." I whispered into his ear. He clutched my hand tighter in his own, and I could feel his tears seeping into my jumper but I didn't let it bother me.

" They're dead." He whimpered.

" I know, I know, but it is still going to be okay. I am going to look after you, and we have Pj and Chris as well, it is all going to be fine."

He continued to sniffle into my jumper for a few hours, until he passed out with exhaustion. I just held him as he slept, comforting him if there was even a slight whimper let out in sleep.

" This is going to destroy him." Pj whispered.

" I know."

When the flight was over, I woke Phil carefully, and he gripped my hand as tight as he possibly could. I pressed a kiss to his head, and another few tears fell down his cheeks. He was out of it all the way through the airport, and Pj and Chris called a taxi.

When we got home, Pj and Chris, Phil and I went into Phil's room. When he saw his house, his tears increased, and his knees gave out. I carried him. Pj and Chris were resting on each other, tears too streaming down their faces.

" Phil, baby, get some sleep. We'll organise the funeral. You don't have to worry about it, I swear."

I kissed his head, and he just curled up against me, his hands curling into my t-shirt. I ran my hands through his tussled hair, and his eyes flickered closed.

" Pj, Chris, can you organise it? As soon as it is out of the way, the sooner Phil can begin to grieve properly with my help, and yours, if you are willing to give it."

" Of course we will give our help." Pj told me.

" Also, the funeral will be planned by tomorrow, trust me." Chris said.

They both left, and I had no idea how they were going to be able to do it by the next day. I just left them to it though, wanting to make sure Phil was okay.

The next few days, Phil didn't speak. He barely left my side, and he never let go of my hand, not even in sleep. It was six days after the trip back from Australia that the funeral happened. I had been really surprised to find out that we had just about spent three days in Australia, if that, and now we were back in England.

" Phil, it is time for the funeral." I muttered.

I had changed him into a black suit, and his hair was brushed and straightened to how it normally looked by me. We were all waiting at the door for the taxi to take us to the church. There were eight coffins, and it was weird. There was never that many. Never.

The priest stood up, clearing his throat loudly making Phil jump.

" We are here for the funeral of..."

I felt a slight tugging on my sleeve, and I looked down to see Phil. He was tugging at my arm and he looked as if he was about to explode. I held him tightly, and he whimpered into my shirt.

" I know Phil. I know."

He sobbed as the priest carried on, and when there was meant to be a speech there was none. Pj and Chris knew that Phil was in no state to do it, and they could have, but they too were distraught. There were friends of the family there, but none of them actually had any other family.

The church was beautiful, and each of the coffins were made from white wood. Each had a pattern on it, and each had something distinguishable to the persons personality on it. There were roses, white and red on each coffin, and there was one for each person for the buriel.

" Come on Phil. We need to go outside..." Chris whispered.

I walked with them out of the church, and I could feel the puffs of breath coming from Phil as he leant against me. He was clearly hyperventilating. I had no idea what to do, but luckily Pj did. He crouched down at Phil, and stared him in the eyes. He took soft breaths, encouraging him to do the same, and I studied Pj's actions, not wanting to feel helpless if this ever happened again.

We sat on the front row, as the coffins lay there. The atmosphere was understandigly tense, and we all just wanted them to be back to life, despite the imposibilites of this.

" May the rest in peace, and may God bless their souls." The father concluded.

Everyone formed a line, and dropped a rose on their designated coffins. Phil placed his two on his sister's coffins. I placed the two I had been given on his parents. Chris put them on Marie and Ivy's soul mates, and Pj put them on Marie and Ivy's soul mates parents.

" Are you okay to go to the wake?" I asked Phil.

He just shook his head, eyes dripping with unshed tears.

" We'll go. Someone has to be there."  Chris said.

" Yeah. I'm sorry guys." Phil whispered, the air hardly passing his lips.

" No, it is not your fault. Now, you go home with Dan, and you can try to have something to eat, and get some sleep, and by the time you get back, we'll be there." Pj told him.

" Thanks guys."

We bid them goodbye, and I called a taxi who took us home. I paid before leading Phil into the house and doing as Pj had said.

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